Deer culling, 400/year

G'day, just got off the phone with my father who is doing the 'grey nomad' thing around Tassie. He told me about a Yank that works for the C.S.I.R.O. that goes out and helps a local cocky trying to control the wild Deer population. They get a permit to cull 400 a year and the population is still increasing. My old man is into trout fishing and his tally is now up to 399 for the summer. I think I need a holiday. The 'Apple Isle' might be the place to go.


New member
You should do it! That's a ton of "hard work" that needs attention; share the load, man! :D

Are there charities that can absorb the cull? That many deer could feed a lot of hungry people.

"a local cocky" .... Help another yank out. What's that?


New member
Y'all don't talk right.
What is the "grey nomad" thing?

Are these the European Red Deer?
What kind of rifle does your father shoot?

There is a company that sells venison dog food, imported from New Zealand.
Here it is illegal to sell American venison.
This venison dog food goes for $1.44 for a 12 oz. can.


New member
hey skulls they had a write up in our paper on sunday saying how the deer are out of control in NSW. You hear anything about that..

"a local cocky" .... Help another yank out. What's that?
A farmer. Often called a 'cow cocky'. You might call him a cattle rancher I think.

Are there charities that can absorb the cull? That many deer could feed a lot of hungry people.
We have lots of laws about slaughtering and butchering animals for human consumption. I have no idea what is done with them. Could be just some choice cuts for the dinner table (private consumption) & some bones for the dogs/cats.

Y'all don't talk right.
W'all doos talk just good and propper.:confused:

What is the "grey nomad" thing? Are these the European Red Deer?
Shooting grey nomads will get you 10 to 20 years of free meals & accommodation! Grey nomads are retiree's travelling around the country living in caravans (trailer homes). Some travel for just a few months of the year, others do it on a permanent basis (the 'spend the kids inheritance now' set). My folks said they would try it for 10 years, then if they liked it, they'd do it full time. :rolleyes: My Mother is European & she IS a dear, but I don't think that's what you meant! :D

What kind of rifle does your father shoot?
He used to have an Anschutz .22wmr, my brother has that now. My Father is absorbed with his trout fishing.

hey skulls they had a write up in our paper on Sunday saying how the deer are out of control in NSW. You hear anything about that...
I've heard nothing, but you're closer to the NSW/QLD border than I am! LOL! ;)


New member
Yeah i know that, just thought you might be able to get into the loacl deer population like i am going too:D:D:D

And yes a cocky is another name for a farmer.... Its ok skulls i know where your coming from.. I am only about 2000km from you.

When it comes to human consumption there are many regulations that are required when hunting an animal. It all starts from the time you shoot to when the meat hits the local buyer from the wholesale market...

Basically it starts from a head shot.................

It's so funny how our American mates cant pick up on our slang, one of the reasons why i love this site.... And it's been a great learning forum for me too.

Also i have been offered to go for a hunt too, Hogdogs your a gun..........:D


New member
Same sort of stuff goes on here and it's a damn shame. The deer strike I had - driving a loaner car, no less - was not up where I hunt in Wisconsin but in the Chicago suburbs. A strip mall, to be exact. I was driving down Cermak and watching the woodline of the forest preserve, and it ran from a Burger King parking lot into the front quarterpanel. The number of deer, the size of the deer, the quality of the trophies - love to get in a season there. Unfortunately, they insist on doing a cull a couple times a decade instead of letting people in, even with bows. Ah, Crook County.

Even further out still does the same thing though. I've been similarly impressed visiting a cemetery and at Morton Arboretum, where a friend used to work. We were allowed to fish the water at the arboretum, but the cull was the same 3 lucky guys, every year.

I'm in the Cleveland suburbs now and it's the same thing. More deer in the Metroparks than in the huntable wildlife areas. Makes sense for them, I guess, but I wish these bureaucrats who decide what folks get to harvest would share the love.

In any case, if I lose my job, there is another Yank looking for 400 deer tags a year. Tell your cockies that I'll underbid the other one too. That's if my government still lets me participate in free markets.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
One of these days, somebody from Down Under will encounter a Cajun. (A Cajun is a guy whose dog's name might be spelled Phaideaux, while up north it's Fido.) I foresee certain difficulties in communication. :D We have had some Aussies visit Terlingua, and their problems with Border Tex-Mex are entertaining as well. Heck, New Joisey vs. Alabama, too.


New member
a few years ago the local forest preserve district debated having a deer hunt in some of their preserves to reduce the deer hunt.

the predictable whining by the animal rights kooks convinced them not to have a hunt.

instead they hired a guy to come in and shoot them. $300 a pop I think it was.


New member
Yeah that's NE IL... Down in Champaign there was a similar situation with a different result. They told the hippies to shut it and let the bowhunters in. Worked fabulously, made money for the government instead of spending it, everyone's happy and the PETA crowd forgot about it to protest the ag school or some other cause-of-the-week in short order.
Art Eatman said:
(A Cajun is a guy whose dog's name might be spelled Phaideaux, while up north it's Fido.) I foresee certain difficulties in communication.
Thanks Art, I've been wondering about that one. (Tex-Mex?) Thought if I just kept reading the answer would finally dawn on me. I try not to use too many colloquialisms as it is easy to to confuse some. I thought I might give this thread a bit more of an Aussie feel to it.

I'm having trouble at the moment earning a crust. So I'm toying with the idea of throwing the swag and billy in the Tow-Joe and going walkabout. Should be easy enough to get a Skippy for the tucker bag and all the Billabongs are full for now. Could make a outing of it if I had a Cobber or two with me. Wouldn't want to be bit by Joe-blake out back in this scrub around here.

I suspect this type of 'talk' would lose a lot of peoples interest in what I am trying to say, but it is fun from time to time. :D
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