Deer and noise


New member
A few days ago, a few friends and myself were at the old homeplace were I hunt. There are several ponds and the rest is woods. Anyway, we took the mower and cut some of the large dog fennel from around one pond. We then shot skeet for about 30 minutes. We took a break to have a few ahh refreshments. I looked over were we just mowed(about 100 yrds) and there stood a deer looking right at us. Stayed there for about 2 or 3 min. Then walked away. I have heard several stories like this. I think they are attracted by the smell, but all the shooting and noise we were making you would think they would be in the next county. Maybe I need to take a mower instead of a tree stand this year. What do ya think?


New member
I know one place that I hunt the guy that maintains the land is constantly out with his tractor year round planting fields and grooming the land and what not so the deer are used to the noise. Also there are a couple of farms around that make noise all year long. I also think that they might just be checking things out too. Just a thought.

Glenn Bartley

New member
I sat in the woods and had a conversation with a tree once, only once mind you, and i saw a couple of deer. Actually I was just trying to see if any would show up if I talked outloud. They are indeed curious, but once they remember what hunting season is all about, they are more wary too.


New member
Sometimes, they're just plain dumb.
I disagree. They are surprisingly intelligent. The same deer that lays in my neighbors yard and looks at me in passing hoping I will feed it runs like hell when it sees me coming with a rifle. Point is they know the difference.
Also, consider this: deer are normally awake in the day and sleep at night. Yet in my area during deer season they modify that just a bit and nearly become nocturnal, sleeping either in our housing development or in thick brush in the woods during the day. Also, when I'm hiking in the woods during the summer, they don't care. Yet somehow in deer season they know to run. They are fully aware that there is a 'deer season.'
During hunting season I've seen behavior in deer that simply amazes me. Case an point: On more than one occassion I've seen deer in a herd 'take point' and actually serve as a lookout for other deer in the herd. Once I saw a doe (before doe and buck season in PA merged) stand at the top of a hill looking in all directions for almost a minute. The a herd, including a couple buck, emerged behind her and moved quickly across the hillside. Another time (during flintlock season) I saw a deer dash from thick brush onto an ATV trail, look in all directions and then dash back into the brush. I sat perfectly still, but at the point figured I'd been made--apparantly I hadn't. Just a few seconds later she re-emerged with a button buck and crossed the road into the area I was sitting. The second I moved, both ran.

Believe me, they know when deer season is...


New member
I agree with you Chemist. I have noticed this before, and not just deer. Take crows for example. They put up one or two watch birds:eek: around the field they are eating in. You can walk around the field with nothing and they will stay there. Pick up a stick and there they go. I used to practice stalking deer by sneeking up on crows in a field and shooting them with a rifle or pellet gun. Try it sometime, afterward, you will think deer are easy. I have also heard that if the crow on watch doesn't sound the alarm and a crow gets hurt that the other crows will kill him. Smart critters