Decisions, Decisions Wheelgun or Auto.....


New member
I'm planning another handgun purchase here in the next month or so. I'm a bit torn on what to get. My current stable of handguns consists of:

Ruger P90 (currently on loan out to my father in law)
Ruger P345 (current carry weapon)
Ruger GP100 (woods gun/HD duty)
NAA Guardian .380 (backup or primary carry depending on circumstances)
NAA Guardian .32NAA (currently for sale :D).
Ruger MKIII 22/45 5.5 Bull Target model (plinker/small game, etc.)

I sold my P97DC a week or so ago, It was the "in between" between my P90 and P345. It wasn't as accurate or as fun to shoot as my P90 and not as easy to carry as my 345. It ended up sitting in the safe alot. I just got the GP100 last week too. I had been without a revolver for awhile and my P90 or 97 had been doing double duty as a woods gun. Really wanted a revolver for that purpose.

So now to my next purchase. I really want both another .45 and another .357, but budgets being what they are it ain't gonna happen together, so which to get first is the question.

I like the idea of another P90. Mine has given excellent service. But, I've recently loaned it out to my father in law as a HD gun and something to carry when he's out at his shop. I don't get to shoot it much anymore, but I don't want him to think I want it back so I hate to ask to take it to the range. I'd really like for him to hang on to it as he doesn't have a handgun of his own and being on a fixed income isn't likely to buy one. So, that's what leads me to want another P90.

Now the P90 isn't a great carry option and you can see now that my carry stable is limited and soon to become more so once the .32NAA sells. So, part of me wants to just get another P345. I've had great service from mine, but I'd like to have a "backup" carry weapon in case mine is ever lost/stolen/broken/etc. Something larger than the NAA .380. So that's what leads me to want another 345.

Now, Aside from Remington 870's I don't have two of any gun in my safe right now. This would be a first for me in handguns to own two of the exact same model. Not that it's a bad thing, just different for me. I generally like new toys :D. So this leads me to maybe want a smaller .357 for carry. Specifically looking at Ruger SP101 either 2 1/4 or 3". Stainless of course.

So, steer me in a direction cuz I'm at a loss. :D. At this point I'm likely to walk into the next gunshow and walk out with the best deal I can find on one of the above.


New member
Nothing against Ruger, but why so many Ruger's. I'd switch it up and get a Smith&Wesson wheel gun, or maybe a 1911. I'd look into Springfield or Kimber for the 1911's. I love the Beretta 92/96 models as well. Nothing wrong with having variety.


New member
Never shot a 1911 that I've actually liked. Just not me. Also I'll take Ruger wheelguns over Smiths just for sheer durability and no locks.


New member
call me a fanboy but: P90, P345, SP101. Those are the options up for consideration right now. We all have our preferences. Mine are pretty clear by now or should be :D.


New member
You can't go wrong with an SP101. It's a very tough gun that will handle shooting a lot of .357mag. It's very easy to shoot too. I can handle a couple boxes of 158gr .357 through mine, but merely a box of .38 through my lightweight S&W 642 wipes me out.

If you plan to use it as a CCW, get the 2" barrel for more concealment options. I even carry mine in my jeans pocket occasionally, although it is a little heavy for that. Most of the time I carry it OWB, where a 3" barrel would be more likely to stick out under my cover garment.

tony pasley

New member
Go to the Asheville gunshow the 23&24 and check out the 1911s and what else is there you should find an answer to what you want.


New member
Not driving all the way to Asheville to that show. I'll probably do the Lexington show in March though. And let me say this one more time so that we're all clear:

I DONT LIKE 1911's! I've shot numerous 1911's from RIA's to Springfields, Kimbers and Colts. They just aren't me. No offense to the 1911 guys, just means more out there for you.

Now moving on..........

Looks like of my 3 choices so far I've got two votes for the SP101. It is what I'm leaning toward.........


New member
It sounds like you miss the P90. Since you already have the P345 and a GP100, go get another P90 to replace the loaner.

Then consider letting your father-in-law keep the 'old' P90. That way, you collect major 'good son-in-law' points from wife, and you both can go shooting and have (2) P90's to play with!

Well, at least that's what I would do... ;)


New member
I do miss it, that I have to admit. That is why I'm considering another P90. Even if I end up getting an SP101 I might end up trading it to him as his house/shop gun and get my P90 back. The wheelgun is likely more his style anyway.

Also a note about my Father in Law..... He and I have a true "father/son" relationship. We hunt together, fish together, etc. I lost my dad about six years ago. No replacing him, but my father in law has sort of adopted me so to speak as I have him.

Rey B

New member
Another vote for the SP101. I don't have one yet but it is on my list for next purchase as soon as I have more than three shekels to spare.:D



Hello, again, red; how's the back? Get the SP and you'll be pleased. We've got five going on six and can't get enough of them. All the reasons you love the GP but you can pack it, too.


New member
The back is doing great, thanks for asking. No pain or limitations on my movement or activities. Not bad considering how things could have gone.


New member
Why not just spend some time with the GP-100? It can fill all the roles you mentioned plus you just got it only a week ago. Why be in such a hurry to buy something else when you really don't know what you have now?


New member
Oh believe me I'm spending time with it. I'll probably carry it a bit too, but I doubt I'll carry it much because of the weight. It'll also be a month or so before I buy the next one (unless I just run across a screaming deal somewhere). I'm just pondering and planning ahead.



SP-101 is a great gun. Not a bad choice at all, especially given your back situation. Nice and light for all day carry OWB, but enough heft to it to make it shootable and fun at the range. I really like my 3" one... not as much as my 4" Redhawk, but I'm young and haven't had my back abused; I'm also a bit of a recoil junky.

Have you considered a single action Blackhawk or Vaquero? They're classy, fairly light in comparison to a GP series, and come as short as 4-5/8" barrels.

SP101 is a good choice though, if your heart's there already.


New member
Nice and light for all day carry OWB, but enough heft to it to make it shootable and fun at the range.

That's kinda what I'm looking for.

I've looked at the single actions and while I like their style they really aren't a practical choice for me for what I'm looking for now. That being said I will have a Vaquero in .45Colt some day.

I gave up my recoil junky days when I traded in my SRH .454 :eek:. :D


New member
Why did I do it????

I knew as soon as I handled one I would want it............

Went into my 2 local shops today looking to see if they had any used SP101's in stock. They didn't. Didn't even have any new ones either.

But one of them had the SR9 in stock. I asked to see it. Ooooohhhh do I ever have temptations now. Especially since the wife just told me I can go back tomorrow if I want and buy it for myself as my birthday present. :D.

I have to admit it is tempting. We'll see what tomorrow brings I guess.


New member

rantingredneck: Sir; a man after my own heart:) Except; I may get side tracked quicker:lol: Rugers are my favorite, but have stooped to some of the others:eek:
GP100 goes most of the time. SP101 will be next; or maybe SR9, or maybe P90 of some sort, Looking at Single Six .17hmr, I want it bad.:)

Not sure where you're at with the SR9; The 'Village' pawn shop in Wadesboro has them for $390.00 ask for Jennifer.

They have a booth at Winston, Charlotte, Hickory, Fayetteville, and more.
She is my favorite "gun money taker" and are good people.