deciding on a 1911?


New member
Well I did all my research and comparisons and had 95% decided on a Springfield Armory loaded parkerized. Then I bought the latest issue of Combat Handguns magazine and the have a feature article in it on the exact gun I was planning to buy. I am so dissapointed and confused now. The recoil rod is a two piece design that screws in with a hex head and it came loose twice during their testing. Also the grip screws which are torx heads kept loosening up during testing........ My big question is this, Is there any 1911 out there that is worth a crap? Now I'm considering the S&W 1911, what do you all think? Please help.......


New member
Grips screws should have loctite, so should guide rods if you are going to use a 2 piece.

I don't like the 2 pieces for carry guns, but my IPSC 1911 has one and it's never come apart on me in well over 5,000 rounds. One piece guide rods are not particularly expensive to change to.

If you take the Springfield out of the box and do nothing but begin to shoot it then I suspect you might very well have some issues. Anyone using a 1911 should know to do these 2 things. The fact that this gun magazine DIDN'T do those common things should tell you more about the magazine than the Springfield.

If the worst thing they could find on the Springfield was
"grips screws need loctite" and "2 piece FLGRs suck" I'd say that was an EXCELLENT review and you should not hesitate to buy one.

ALL 1911's need loctice on the grip screws, so do all of my SIGs, so does my Bersa Thunder, that hardly makes a handgun a piece of crap.


New member
If you like the Springfield Loaded in parkerizing, pay no mind to what the gun rags say. Buy it.

If the FLGR offends you, pluck it out and replace with a GI set-up.

If the grip screws keep backing out, you have several options...
1. Swap out the screws.
2. Swap out the grips.
3. Swap out both.
4. Place rubber O-rings on the screws and retighten.

I would not use Loc-Tite on grip screws. I would only use Loc-Tite on grip screw bushings.

The Springer Loaded is a good gun. Chances are Springfield was a bit behind on their Combat Handguns advertising payments that month.


The least sticky lock tight isn't like glue - it's more like a rubber o-ring.

I wouldn't use a FLGR on a 1911 carry gun. It just makes the gun heavier while providing something else to fail.


New member
Just get the SW1911. I got one when they first came out (serial number under 1000). I have put 3,000+ rounds through this gun with zero problems. For under $700 you get a gun that already comes with everything you could want. No need to swap out guide rod, grips, screws or anything else.


New member
Yes there are 1911's worth a darn --- I woudl buy one made in america --- Springers are built on an imprted frame / slide. In higher end factory guns the S+W 1911 is nice and they seem to have no problems with their external extractor. I would say that a re-finish on any S+W 1911 is inorder though as I could not live with the incipid this is a gun that can shoot with the mag out of it warning on the side.

Kimber also makes some reasonable models --- the best probibly being the warrior that has an traditonal extractor and no FP safety as well as a nice bevel treatmetn and finish.

Both of these guns are generaly well regarded, shoot well and should ahve few problems out of the gate. Of course if you want to change out some of the parts to better suit your needs, that is always very easy with the 1911 design

If you have a little more money to spend moving up to a Les Baer or Ed Brown will yield a gun with no MIM parts, a flawless finish and superb accuaracy.


mitchcoyote----My big question is this, Is there any 1911 out there that is worth a crap

Can you say Ed Brown?;) :D


New member
I recently bought my full size Springer loaded (see below for model #). Before I shot it, I fieldstripped it, cleaned it and lubed it. I tightened the grip screws and the guide rod. I have since put several hundred rounds through it. Nothing came loose. In contrast, I had to Loctite the grip bushings in my Kimber. My Springer is a damn fine weapon and I highly recommend it.:D


New member
Recent 100% out of the box experiences with 1911's:

1. S&W 1911 full size stainless steel (base model).
2. Para Ordnance LTC.
3. Wilson CQB.

So, yes.

Edited to add -- Forgot the Colt WWI repro -- 100% also.

Easy E

New member
I would also recommend Colt

I've got 3 Colt 1911s. 2 of them have had many thousands of rounds out of them with no trouble at all (the 3rd is fairly new, but it's been flawless also).
Springers are good too. So are Kimber, S&W, D&W etc... But Colt is probably the only company still making their guns to the original tolerances. So, you would be less likely to have any issues with reliability.


New member
Actually, you've already mentioned one of the best ones in your original post. The S&W 1911 is the best one on the market under a grand. I love Colts too, but so far my Smiths have been tack drivers.


New member
colt they keep it simple thats why i like thim the frames and slides are beefy (i guess they lost the memo that all 1911's had to be put on a diet) plenty of room to build off of....... but why would you and the pricing is fair
long live the 1911


New member

replacing the FLGR with a standard GI setup shouldn't set you back that much. i did have a problem with it shooting low which i sent it for warranty repairs though.

i now have a springfield TRP Pro which set me back more than $2k and is hte only pistol i carry now. funny enough it comes with a GI setup instead of a FLGR...


New member
I bought a vintage colt 45 auto..and though i wished the value(prices) were lower.. i have NO is the KING of ALL automatics...and i am rather poor in wages right now...


New member
I went today and bought a S&W 1911 and am pleased with my decision. Paid $719 + tax..... Can't wait to take it shooting.... Thanks to all of you who offered advice, I apreciate it.......