Deceptive Deadliness

roy reali

New member
One of these days I am going to get some sort of EBR. Until then, I'll have to shoot what my friends have. The other day one of them let me shoot some rounds through one of his AR's.

I used muffs for hearing protection. With the sound muffled, you swear that the rifle can not be deadly. There is no recoil to speak of. Plus it has a spring like sensation when fired. It really feels like shooting some sort of toy or pellet gun, not a real gun. Trust me, I know it is a real rifle and the projectiles coming from it can do real damage.

But, it is a strange feeling weapon to fire.


New member
I think so too

I did not grow up or get exposed to the M16 early as many have these days.

The oddest thing for me is the buffer and buffer spring running in the stock/tube beneath your cheek weld. Ka-ching, ka-ching.

It is hard to believe it is now the longest running service rifle of our nation.


New member
I grew up shooting shotguns and bolt guns only. Up until recently I had never shot an AR-15, heck, never shot a large caliber semi-auto rifle before, period.

I just finished a AR-15 build not too long ago. What a cool rifle, so versatile and deadly accurate (for a semi, anyway).

I get what your saying about the springiness. If you get the correct buffer, spring, and lubricant, some say they don't here the spring noise.

You get used to the sound. Especially after you learn to appreciate it and all it's uses (I did).


New member
i only get that weird spring sound and sensation on the first shot after i reassemble it. otherwise it goes bang, and theres a small kick.

it definetly doesnt go boom and kick my shoulder like a mule though


New member
My firrst experence with the AR (or really a M-16) was in the spring of 1967.

I was in the 82nd and got my orders for S.E. Asia. We were using M-14s at the time, so they took us to the range to "famarlize" with the M-16.

I thought it was like a toy. We were suppose to go through a series of drills, mostly semi, to learn the gun.


We let her rip, I don't think any of us fired (that day) one round in the semi-mold. The range officer was throwing a fit,...........but hey.........what are you gonna do, send us to Vietnam.

I found out shortly, in June, that you could put more rounds on target FASTER, shooting the sucker on semi. Been shooting M16/ARs every since. Got my first one in the 70s and have had one every since. I've shot competion (the old army Combat Rifle Course and 50 Ft CNGB matches with the sub-cal device.

I thought the A1 (sp1) version was accurate until I got my White Oak Service Rifle Upper, thats a whole new ball game, shooting 1000 yard matches with an AR.

Trust me, regardless of the Matel Jokes, they ain't no toy.


New member
The Winchester 94 that I had, chambered in .45 Colt, seemed like a .22 to shoot. No kick at all. So I guess it would have been a low powered round.


New member
The AR in either DI, or piston configuration is a soft shooting weapon. It still gets the job done and accuracy is pretty darned good for a semi auto, or otherwise. Being a low recoil rifle it is easier to keep the sights on target for follow up shots. Not the prettiest rifles in the world, but quite functional and a great varmint/predator rifle. The .22LR doesn't make a big bang, has no recoil and shoots a light round, but it can be as deadly as any other rifle if you're on the wrong end of the barrel.