Decent solar/AC/dynamo emergency radio?

Te Anau

New member
I don't know if this will stay open or not.Anyone able to recommend a decent solar/dynamo/AC powered radio that costs less than $75.00? I'd prefer an AM/FM/Shortwave but am open to suggestions.Radio performance is crucial,I just received a Kaito KA-011 a few days ago from Amazon & its going back,as it wont charge the battery using A/C power & reception on AM/FM is pretty awful.Thanks for any input or suggestions.


New member

I've had a bunch since I frequently spend weeks in the woods at work...:rolleyes:

This one is by far the best. It works on cloudy days (most don't), holds up when there's tons of dirt/silt in it, winds up should you need to, and it actually holds a charge from the sun (most don't). I had this thing duct taped to the inside of my humvee windshield for months---still runs like a champ.


New member
I've had the Grundig FR-200 for about five years now and its still working good. Its not solar powered, its dynamo and DC. I can attest that its been rained on more than a couple of times with no problem. What I dont like about it is thats it anolog and not digital. Its also been discontinued but its still available online. I recently purchased the ETON Solarlink FR360 Emergency Radio last year. It has many more features and its also solar powered, dynamo, DC and AC powered, its also digital. Its very reasonably priced for what you get, around $60.00 and I've seen them for less. I've only used it around the house, at a couple of outdoor events, and sometimes in my office at the workshop. Its still working well. This is what it looks like and the specs.