dear members

Harry Bonar

New member
I probably will be leaving the internet in the future.
I want to thank the members and guests for a very pleasant experience on this Forum - thank you all.
This is the best forum I know of, everybody is respectful and the staff is experienced and knowledgeable.
Harry B.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
'Tis better to give than it is to receive, and you did that very well at The Firing Line, Harry. It's Members like you that have made TFL what it is, and made its staff proud to be staff.

You will be missed.


New member
Hate to see you leave

Harry, I have been lurking lately and not saying much myself. I hate to see you go and wish you the best!! Take care of yourself.

Truly and honor to have followed your posts.


New member
Dear Mr. Bonar, I will miss your post and would like to thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us.

I wish you well in your future endeavors whatever they may be.


Hank Lampe


New member
Sir, your contributions to the forum have been immensely helpful to many of the members (myself included) and your absence from the forum will be greatly noticed. I wish you the best in your future endeavors and hope that your absence is only temporary.

el Divino

New member
We will miss your knowledge and experiences and wish you health and happiness

Thank you Mr. Bonar, Thank you Harry.