Dear Abby ......


New member
Newsday (New York, NY)

October 31, 2002 Thursday NASSAU AND SUFFOLK EDITION


LENGTH: 515 words


BYLINE: Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or visit

DEAR ABBY: I never imagined I would find myself trapped in an abusive relationship, let alone end up in jail for shooting my abuser - but that's where I am.

My live-in abused me for years. Once our son was born, his brutality increased, and my baby was used as a pawn to prevent me from calling the police. The one and only time I did call for help, all they did was tell my partner to leave the house and sleep somewhere else. Never was I advised to get a protection order or offered any other assistance.

Once my baby's father saw what he could get away with, the beatings increased in frequency and severity. If I'd attempt to call 911, he would grab our son and his diaper bag and threaten to disappear with our child, if I made the call.

When I actually tried to leave with the baby, my abuser promised he'd kill me before I reached the door. He said if I managed to get away, he'd track me down at my parents' home out of state and "take care of me" there.

I was too ashamed to tell my co-workers, friends and acquaintances that I was being abused. I covered my bruises with makeup and was careful to keep my distance for fear someone would see the marks.

I was afraid if anyone discovered the beatings, this man would abuse me more - or kill me - so no one knew how terrified I was.

After hearing our toddler scream in terror as he watched his father give me the worst beating of my life, I finally decided to protect myself. I bought a gun (complete with child safety lock), thinking that when he came after me again, he'd see I had a gun and leave me alone.

I had never owned or fired a gun in my life and didn't intend to use that one. It was meant to be a scare tactic, but he was accidentally shot fatally.

In a state of panic, I hid his body for two months before being arrested. I was charged with murder and now face the death penalty.

My little boy is in foster care. My abuser's relatives, who ignored him for the first 20 months of his life, are now fighting my parents for custody. I have not seen my child since the day I was arrested. My parents' world has been turned upside down.

Abby, please urge every abused woman to speak out and tell people what is happening at home - and then run.

Run as fast and as far away as possible. It's better to run than to have someone lose their life. Some may fear if they run, they'll lose everything. Wrong! They'll lose everything if they stay.

If my letter saves just one victim of abuse, it will have been worth it. My life and future are over. I traded the prison of domestic abuse for a real-life prison. Sign me - Lost It All in Philadelphia

DEAR LOST IT ALL: My prayers are with you, and I hope you are dealt with more compassionately by the legal system than you were by the person who drove you to desperation. I also hope that others will learn from your bitter experience.

I guess it's to the point of using pretty much anything to dissuade people from trying to defend themselves.....


New member
I had never owned or fired a gun in my life and didn't intend to use that one. It was meant to be a scare tactic, but he was accidentally shot fatally.

In a state of panic, I hid his body for two months before being arrested. I was charged with murder and now face the death penalty.

That was the problem. Hiding the body like that sure didn't look like self-defense in the court's eyes. :(

Number 6

No, that was the SUBSEQUENT problem.

Hiding the body was her THIRD mistake. In chronological order (and also order of stupidity) I suggest this ranking:

1. Staying in an abusive relationship;

2. Buying a firearm as "a scare tactic;" THEN

3. Hiding the body.

Not meant to be misogynistic, as idiots come in all colors, genders, and other persuasions, but this woman - assuming the story is real and not a gun-grabbing troll - is TSTL. As in Too Stupid To Live.

Too bad her son had cretins for parents.


New member
Staying in an abusive relationship+Buying a firearm as "a scare tactic"+hiding a dead body for 2 months = a complete idiot

David Park

New member
Since this is only one distorted side of the story, can anyone (in Philly?) link to any news stories about this case?


New member
Some people stay in abusive relationships because they are too scared (and rightfully so) to leave. Also, they frequently rely on the abuser for income/resources/whathaveyou.

Women who stay in abusive relationships are not stupid.


New member
I have to agree with WyldOne. I've seen people stay in abusive relationships out of religious convictions, desire to help the person, fear of reprisal, belief that no one else would have them after they were "stupid enough to stay." In short, many of the same reasons we all have for doing something "stupid." Are some truly stupid? Yup. But all too many are just trapped by their own thinking, if not by a direct threat.

Brian D.

New member

"Stupid" is a perjorative and perhaps overly strong word here. How about "myopic" or "delusional", perhaps terminally so? The danger of staying with someone violently abusive has been proven again and again, sadly. A friend of mine runs a shelter for victims of such relationships. The official company mantra she must parrot to these women is NOT to get a gun, though I suspect she advises them a bit differently "off the record" if she thinks it is the right course of action--that is, she believes this particular woman understands that a firearm is not a method of bluffing, it may have to be used! And my friend carries and knows how to use a gun, even though these psycho significant others have only "occasionally" threatened her because they see her as an unwanted interloper, at best. For some reason she thinks that being threatened "just once in a while" is too darn often to overlook. Think she worries too much, or about the right amount? I vote for the latter.


New member
How many truly innocent people are sitting in jail?:rolleyes:

This wouldn't be the first time a person has used the "abuse excuse" to try to cover their own crimes. Let's not forget that this person either has been or will be (not clear from the letter) given the opportunity to due process.

I question the entire premise of the letter.



New member
Women who stay in abusive relationships are not stupid.
true statement. dependancy is not stupidity. it exhibits weakness, and is a learned behavior. when a person never learns to rely on themselves they will always be stick in situations or relationships that are detrimental to their own well-being. we cant make everyone learn how to be independant.


New member
I'm kind of surprised no one has picked up on this little gem:

he was accidentally shot fatally.

She did not load the weapon, pick it up, point it at him, and pull the trigger. It just happened. This was mistake number 3, wedged in there between buying a firearm as a scare tactic, and hiding the body (now #4).

This woman is a moron -- and WyldOne, I say that not because she stayed in an abusive relationship, but because the totality of her story screams "I'm a moron!"

This story also doesn't "ring true" with me; there's no emotion, and almost total depersonalization of the people and events described. My BS detector is going off loudly.


Moderator Emeritus
If he hits you once, he will hit you again.

Staying in it "for the kids" only teaches the kids that parents are supposed to hate each other, yell, and beat on people.

You will not change him.

You do not buy a deadly weapon as a "scare tactic".