DEA agent charged in shooting

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
check out for the details reported. It will be interesting to see how the feds cover it this time.


New member :

Was just a policy statement for the web site, you sure that's the right url?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Actually, if you go one step up (this often works) to you come to something called 'GunDebate.Org'. However, when I get there it says it is still under construction. If their site is for the debate of pro / anti-gun, I think I'll usually pass! Debating different ammo choices seems a better use of time.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
OK, folks, I think I've found it. Try Apparently the URL was changed by the paper for some reason. Maybe too many hits.


Staff Emeritus
It's gone AGAIN! Says the address is inaccurate, outdated, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it.
(I believe I entered it right - checked twice.)


New member
<A HREF="></A>

That should link directly to it.

just click :)


Mouse Assassins inc.


New member
Monday, Jan. 18, 1999

DEA agent charged after parking lot shooting
HAMPTON, Va. (AP) - An off-duty federal Drug Enforcement Administration agent was charged in a parking lot shooting that left two men wounded, one critically.

Hampton police said Joseph Armento, 34, was charged with shooting into an occupied vehicle and unlawful wounding, both felonies. The agent, who works in the DEA's Norfolk office, was expected to surrender to police Tuesday, Hampton police Sgt. Jeff Walden said.

Police said the shooting occurred about 12:30 a.m. Thursday when three men leaving Rooney's Grille and Bar got into an argument with Armento and two other off-duty DEA agents.

Joey Turk said he and his friends exchanged words with the agents. When he saw that Armento and his friends were armed, Turk said he retrieved his own weapon from a friend's truck and put it on the hood. That's when the shooting started, Turk said.

Police said Armento was the only one to fire.

Jason Temple, 21, was struck in the chest, the bullet piercing a lung and passing within an inch of his heart. He was in critical condition at Riverside Regional Medical Center. A hospital spokeswoman said his family requested that no updated information on his condition be released.

Turk, 20, was hit in the upper left arm. He was treated and released.

AP-ES-01-18-99 0941EST

Copyright 1998 Associated Press. All rights reserved

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Thanks, Mykl. That is the gist of what I had found but the other article was a bit more detailed. The AP article left out that the three DEA agents had been thrown out of the bar for fighting inside. Also, that the other DEA brandished weapons before Turk obtained his weapon.
No Spartacus, say it ain't so. Professionals LEOs, especially if they're Feds, just don't do that type of thing. You'd better take it back before I send my big brother over to talk to you. ;)

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
No, you are right, they don't do this type of thing. I was not left lying on a highway, semiconscious and paralyzed, in the middle of the night after being attacked by an on duty LEO, either. Would never have found out who attacked me if he hadn't started bragging about the hippy he "brained" with his riot stick. No, these things don't happen.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam

Yes, I was (am?) No long hair today. I was from the love, peace, and keep your powder dry branch of hippiedom though. An admittedly small minority :) It was long hair that first made me realize the value of the 2nd Amendment and to treasure it.


New member
Spartacus, like David Allen Coe said " my longhair can't cover up my redneck" :)
the kids today don't know what you had to go through back then when you had longhair. i got my share of cussins' & fights too. boy, was that fun. ;)

fiat justitia