De-priming advise


New member
I have a dozen 223 cartridge cases, with live primers in them. I need advise on the safest way to de-prime them. I was thinking of just taking them out to the back yard and running them through my rifle. I don't know how much noise that is going to make. I don't want the neighbors calling the Sheriff and have to explain it all to them. Nearest neighbor is about 100 yards away. :confused:
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Marco Califo

New member
Yes, you can deprime live primers and even re-use them. But, BE CAREFUL!
Clear your surroundings of flammables, wear eye and ear protection, and perhaps wrap a towel around while you do it. I skipped the towel after the first couple were no problem.
I have done this with the Lee decapping die.


New member
(Why would you want to deprime them? Why not just load them and have some ammo to shoot??


These 12 where among 50 shells that were given to me. Age and condition are unknown. The other 38 had no primers.


Ok.. that makes sense. I would toss em as well if i didnt know what was in them. I thought you had a boat load of primed brass.



New member
Marco is correct. It is easy to do, just go slowly. I have deprimed hundreds of live primers without incident. Never wore ear protection.
if you are worried about setting them off accidentally ( & not planning on reusing them ) spray the inside of the case with WD-40, Kroil, or other penitrating oil, & let them soak for a a day & you should be fine...

or, you could single load them in a gun, & try firing them 1st, then decap as normal...