de facto bans on guns and ammunition purchases in CA and some other states


New member
A Free Beacon article documents how some people recently moving into states such as California have been denied the ability to purchase guns or ammo.

In short, CA law requires CA photo ID to purchase either, but if someone moved into the state in the last few months, then the DMVs are closed so they cannot get an ID.

44 AMP

State differ on what constitutes sufficient proof of residency, but all have some requirements, and with all the "non-essential" things shut down due to the virus, some things are "on hold".

You can file a legal action about delay/denial of rights, but until things open up enough for such to be ruled on, you wait.

Things are operating (if they are at all) under "state of emergency" rules or some variant of them. Certainly there is a valid issue, but getting anything done about it until we are "officially" safe(er) isn't likely.


New member
It was already ruled unconstitutional but the 9th circuit put a late night stay on the lower courts order. It will not stand legal scrutiny but that wasn't the point. These people who make these laws have our tax dollars to tie up our rights in court. If they were made to pay for the legal challenges for unconstitutional laws out of their salaries and pensions, this would go away in about 5 minutes.


New member
They aren't willing to let reality alter their notion of how things are. In 2005 (pre-Heller) San Francisco put a proposition (Prop H) on the ballot to ban handguns. They KNEW it wouldn't stand up because it conflicted with state preemption laws. A nearly identical proposition had previously been overturned on exactly those grounds. After it passed, the NRA took it to court, just like everyone knew they would. The NRA won on state preemption grounds, just like everyone knew they would. Then SF appealed it. And lost, just like everyone knew they would.

San Francisco squandered nearly a million dollars, including $380,000 to the NRA for legal costs, on a proposition everyone knew would be overturned. That's a million dollars worth of potholes that didn't get filled and homeless who didn't get housed.

But at least they "made a statement". For the children.


New member
Just wait until the pendulum swings... or rather is pushed
And everyone gets introduced to things like:
-Yearly permit to purchase/own firearms
-Yearly permit to purchase/own ammunition
-100% firearm purchase tax
-200% ammunition purchase tax
-Mandatory liability insurance
-Etc, etc

But don’t worry...
“We’re not limiting your 2nd Amendment rights... you can buy all you like”

Mark my words


Just wait until the pendulum swings... or rather is pushed
And everyone gets introduced to things like:
-Yearly permit to purchase/own firearms
-Yearly permit to purchase/own ammunition
-100% firearm purchase tax
-200% ammunition purchase tax
-Mandatory liability insurance
-Etc, etc

But don’t worry...
“We’re not limiting your 2nd Amendment rights... you can buy all you like”

Mark my words
Here in Idaho any politician even proposing any of those would most likely be out of office so fast his shoes would still be sitting on the floor.


New member
Here in Idaho any politician even proposing any of those would most likely be out of office so fast his shoes would still be sitting on the floor.
for now maybe, but as Californians (New Yorkers et al.) move to free states their policies and voting habits follow. How do you think Colorado, North Carolina, Virginia went from free states to just better than California...? Even Georgia just barely keep the governorship red.


New member
for now maybe, but as Californians (New Yorkers et al.) move to free states their policies and voting habits follow. How do you think Colorado, North Carolina, Virginia went from free states to just better than California...? Even Georgia just barely keep the governorship red.

I suspect it is a case where people can't admit to themselves their voting habits for more taxes and regulations turned their previous place into a toilet and now continue those destructive policies elsewhere.


New member
for now maybe, but as Californians (New Yorkers et al.) move to free states their policies and voting habits follow. How do you think Colorado, North Carolina, Virginia went from free states to just better than California...? Even Georgia just barely keep the governorship red.
Yup, the cancer has been spreading.


New member
I suspect it is a case where people can't admit to themselves their voting habits for more taxes and regulations turned their previous place into a toilet and now continue those destructive policies elsewhere.
"Last time we simply did not spend enough money, this time we will spend more and our utopia will finally be at hand"