DC City Council Member Propses Easing Gun Laws


New member
Kind of toning it down from insane, to merely crazy.


(Text of bill at link)

The District would still require would-be gun owners to take a firearms safety course, but under the Mendelson bill they would be allowed to possess a gun temporarily while taking the course. Gun owners would no longer have to take a vision test and would only have to pass on test on the District’s gun laws once, upon initial registration.

Also, residents would still be required to register their weapons with police, but they would no longer have to submit their guns to police for ballistic identification before taking them home.

I think that some of this is link backed to the Washington Times saga being discussed in this sub forum.


New member
Oh my god...politicians who listen to what the people want...in DC? Myan Dooms Day is upon us!

Seriously, a step in the right direction but they still have a long way to go.

I think the WT series on the simple insanity of DC gun laws has done a good job of exposing just how crazy it all is. The fact the reporter is a woman really puts things in prospective, a prospective as a man I would never think of. As a single man, meeting a stranger for firearms training possibly hours from my home would not be a big deal. As a single woman, I can totally see how that experience could be enough to keep many away from owning a firearm.

I still think that DC proper should have a real gun store and that one shouldn't be required to drive to another state to get the proper required training to legally own a gun in DC.

Also, I imagine the ballistic fingerprinting requirment they are doing away with is probably a result of an already overstressed police crime lab being even further stressed, but that is just wild speculation on my part. Would love if we have some DC area LEO's here who could shed light on that little part of the story.


IIRC the ballistic fingerprinting of firearms, has resulted in zero matches when they actually try to match bullets from crime scenes to the existing databases.

Also IIRC, the antis thought that was a really great idea.


New member
While across the Potomac in Virgina we have none of this crap and a nice low crime rate (and enough guns to make DC politicians spin, along with shall issue CHPs).

Whoda thought?


New member
IIRC the ballistic fingerprinting of firearms, has resulted in zero matches when they actually try to match bullets from crime scenes to the existing databases.

Also IIRC, the antis thought that was a really great idea.

But, but, but one time on CSI....