Dayton Gun Show


New member
Today is the grand opening of the Bill Goodman Gun & Knife show in Dayton, OH. I scored free entry after complaining of the terrible January show in the old fairgrounds. He offered 4 replacement tickets...but I elected to wait. So glad I did.

I scored an 8 lb jug of HP-38 ($180), a case of CCI-500 SPP ($140), assorted Berry’s 50 round boxes in 380/9 ($2 each), a new sealed 2017 Lee Reloading book ($20), and a box each of Winchester WSP and WLP (paid too much, no comment). I think I’m set for a while (except I don’t have bullets for all the powder and primers). Prices were hazmat, no shipping, tax included. In the end...everything I bought is the lowest price I’ve paid.

Now to find a great price on 9mm and 380 ACP bullets.

The show goes till 5 today, then repeats tomorrow. For me...and my son who bought a new Kahn CM 9 titanium, it was well worth the price of admission ($10); even better since my tickets were comped.


New member
Sounds like you did well. I was VERY frustrated last gun show I attended down here (They have one every couple of months).

I took my 16 y.o granddude with me to help find stuff. We covered the entire show and if you wanted to purchase a gun, you could. Ammo? Yep. All knives and other assorted junk was available but no one - not a single vendor - carried any components!

No powder, casings, primers, bullets, NOTHIN'! I was surprised and annoyed. Didn't really need anything that was available so we left and I fed the boy for his help. :(

T. O'Heir

New member
"...the terrible January show..." Gun shows are just like that. Especially in January's oh so reliable weather. You can never tell until you get there if you wasted your time or not.
" 380/9..." It's either/or with those.


New member
Gun shows are a waste of time and money in my area.
Pay 5-10 dollars to get in to look at the small displays of way overpriced stuff.
I quit going years ago.


New member
I have to totally agree with std7mag, total waste of time and money, overpriced outdated stuff..I personally hate to pay admission to buy anything!!


I'm down Houston way and I'm getting burned out of the gun shows here. It's all black pistols and AR's, or beef jerky and knives. I like classic guns and they just aren't there. I don't know if it is because of everyone generally being in some sort of prep mode or something like that. I guess there is a demand for those guns but they are simply tools. There is no art in plastic and matte finished guns...

luger fan

New member
I REFUSE to attend the bigger shows. The vendors have to pay more for each table/must charge more for EVERYTHING. I now just stick to the smaller shows where you can find guys selling their collections NOT table after table of plastic crap.


New member
I always figure that a blanket statement can't cover all gun shows. They'll all be different, and it depends what our particular interest in firearms, is at the moment.

Every time I say I'm not going to the next one, I end up doing so. Sometimes there are items of real interest, and sometimes not. I'm usually glad I go though. Our shows actually do have a tremendous amount of variation.