Day on the range with the HK P2000


New member
That gun shoots like a dream. We shot 100 .40 cal rounds through it with no trouble. Awesome pistol!





New member
It's my issued duty weapon. If you don't mind, what trigger do you have on it? We have the LEM and I hate it. With a passion. It took so long for me to get the hang of that trigger. Now that I get it I shoot expert with the gun. It's an excellent gun, I just wish it had a different trigger. Whatever the regular trigger is it's what I want. Not the mushy trigger that suddenly gets hard right before it breaks. Excellent gun. Have fun with it.


New member
It's stock out of the box so I have no idea but I've been shooting a Ruger LCP so everything feels light to me. My Blackhawk now feels like it has a hair trigger. It doesn't but it's way better than most and now I have to be a little bit more aware than before.


New member
I don't know what my P2000's trigger is considered but I like it and am used to it. Next time I run into a Border Patrol agent in the field, I will see what his weapon's trigger feel is. I'm pretty sure it will be similar.


New member
Yeah. It's really weird to describe. It's mush mush mush and then a 7 lbs wall. Quick trigger reset though. I'd rather have the DA/SA version, or the LEM with the 4.5 lbs trigger. Oh well. I'm in no place to complain. It's still an excellent gun that I trust my life too. And hell if I shoot expert with it, it can't be too bad. Have fun.


New member
The OBP LEM is identical to the OFO LEM. Same as the AMO, too.

We all went to the same armorers course and no mention was made of any differences.

The weak point on these is, by far, the trigger rebound spring. I've broken two and seen another 10 or so.

Seen two cracked slides (saw one happen). They both cracked the front part of the slide above the hole where the recoil spring/guide rod pokes through.

I broke my hammer strut at the same time my second trigger rebound spring broke.

These were all high round count guns, somewhere between 7,000 and 10,000 rounds of hot 155 JHP.


New member
The OBP LEM is identical to the OFO LEM. Same as the AMO, too.

We all went to the same armorers course and no mention was made of any differences.

The weak point on these is, by far, the trigger rebound spring. I've broken two and seen another 10 or so.

Seen two cracked slides (saw one happen). They both cracked the front part of the slide above the hole where the recoil spring/guide rod pokes through.

I broke my hammer strut at the same time my second trigger rebound spring broke.

These were all high round count guns, somewhere between 7,000 and 10,000 rounds of hot 155 JHP.

These guns are really well made and hold up well against the elements it seems until you get to that high round count. Another place I found it too delicate was the slide catch. I don't know the exact terms or what was broken but when you remove the slide catch during cleaning, the slide catch on the right that stays in place can come off. If it does, make sure it's lined up perfectly before you try to push it back into place. We had two guys in my academy class the broke their guns that way and had to get new ones. They both said they didn't push hard at all and an instructor told me that students seem to do it a lot.