David Codrea's letter to Calif. Public Safety Committee

Found this gem on KABA. Wish I'd written it.

Letter to California Safety Committee
Regarding .50 Caliber Rifle Ban

08 April 2002

TO: Carl Washington, Chair
Jay La Suer, Vice Chair
Richard L. Dickerson
Fred Keeley
Gil Cedillo
Manny Diaz
Jackie Goldberg

RE: AB 2222

Committee members-- heed the following:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." -- Second Amendment "

"[W]henever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." --Declaration of Independence.

Only traitors would support this abomination and enact such a tyrannical edict. I do not obey tyrants -- I DEFY them. I do not comply with the demands of rights rapists -- I RESIST them. Do what you will -- I'll not beg you to vote my way. I will simply put you on notice that no mere persons will take away my unalienable rights. I will not allow it to happen.

How many of us are you willing to harass, have imprisoned, or even killed in order to advance your lust for power? How many lives of people who simply wish to exercise their Constitutional rights will you destroy?

Think carefully how you answer that, and on what you do next, because I am not alone -- and there aren't enough of you, nor enough agents in your employ to force your will on all of us. Do not push free people beyond their tolerance for abuse.

You are defiling the contract between government and governed, ripping it apart. Do not think that you will be allowed to continue doing so without severe repercussions. Treat this prediction cavalierly if you choose. I actually expect you to. And I also expect that some day, the gravity of your evil will be made clear to all by free men who will not bow down to accept your yoke.

We WILL restore the Republic. We WILL restore rule of Constitutional law as it was intended by the Founders. Laugh at that prediction and at me if you will. But I'd advise against your laugh being overly confident. Because the historical record you are establishing cannot be erased -- and on the day of restoration, the enemies of freedom will be lawfully held to account for their crimes. The role you play will be remembered.

Better men than I once pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to declare themselves independent from tyranny. Better men than I died to bring this vision into being. Men like me, who see the direction you are leading us in your unmasked arrogance, now find their courage being tested, and are now asking themselves if they are worthy of the heritage bestowed upon us -- a heritage paid for by the terrible sacrifice of those who came before. Men like me fear the damnation of our heirs, should we slink away from our obligation to restore freedom, infinitely more than we fear the terror your agents will attempt to inflict upon us.

You would do well to recognize this.

David Codrea


New member
The gun control debate will eventually degrade to this: The number of Americans who are willing to die to keep their firearms vs. the number of Americans the government is willing to kill to take them away.