Dating and Packing...


New member
How do you manage when you are going on a date, specifically the first few, and don't want the girl to know?

Dates are a little different from other interactions with people, as things can get, uh, a little more "personal" than just a little hug from your mom or whatever, if ya know what I mean... :cool:

Tonight I did a good job of blocking her arm from my hip...


New member
Well since I ...

...tend to hang with like-minded persons, this hasn't been a problem. The ladies have been into firearms and/or have CHL's.

Only problems[kidding] were : she hadn't practice weak handed(due to wrist injury) and wanted me on the left side-allowing her easy access to her right (strong side ) carry. We both went for seating to watch the door at the resturant--we moved so we both could watch.

Kinda nice to know when you put your arms around each other hips--there's" heat".;)

Ought Six

New member
If you're not up front with the fact that you're carrying, you're already starting your relationship by witholding info from your date. That's a lousy place to start, as trust is vital in relationships, and your failure to inform her shows a lack of trust. Don't expect her to be understanding when you finally give her the news. I would tell her in the form of an apology, as that's what you owe her.


New member
Funny story: When I had my first date with my now-wife, I met her at a restuarant and my fingers were all blackened. She asked me why my hands were so dirty and I told her that I had just gotten fingerprinted (for Virginia carry). I didn't say anything else. A month or so later she put her arm around me and felt the heater. She didn't say anything so I figured I had a keeper.

Now, she carries her own in Texas. :D


New member
Ought Six

I agree with being upfront and honest. I haven't dated anyone that didn't carry , in a good good while. If I did, I'd be straight out with it. Hard enough this relationship bit--no need starting out on the wrong foot.


New member
All the dates I've been on (once I acquired a CCW, of course), pre-marriage and post-divorce, the lady knew me and knew I carried. Hasn't ever been a problem. I'm not into the blind-date / bar-pickup type meetings anyway.


New member
On my third date with the woman who became The Wife, she put her arm around me and felt my pistol. She asked what it was, I told her, she said she had never fired a gun before. Our fourth date was to the gun range and she's been shooting ever since. In fact the gun I was carrying that night was the same Rossi M88 that she carries today.


New member
Tell her you're packing, if she's not comfortable with it, you know she's not the right "type" of women.

Tell her you're packing, and she pulls out a bigger gun then you; you know a 2nd date's not too far :D

With exception of the current one (because taiwan does allow for guns) it really doesn't matter as all my first dates I take to the range!!! :cool:

Jim March

New member
Only date within your own species.

I know a guy married to a serious sheeple. Dude is hardcore pro-freedom. It ain't pretty.


New member
Well seeing as I'm a secret agent and international man of mystery I need to be armed.That usually gets the sweeties in the sac for a good shag!Yeah Baby! Oh Behave!!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
1. Date within your species. Ask a few leading questions.

2. Don't get physical until certain that the person is safe. Nothing kills the idea of casual sex as knowing that you have to be able to trust the partner with intimate details about you (not just sexually intimate details but things like carry chambering).


New member
I repeat what everybody else said. Only date within the same species. Fence-sitters are ok if they can be converted. (A few dates and discussions can tell.)

Ben Swenson

New member
Only date people you can share reloads with.
Remember, though, every time you share reloads with someone, you're chambering cartridges from everyone they've reloaded with in the past.

Practice safe shooting - wear hearing and eye protection.


New member
I don't get it...

When I first started dating my wife years ago, it didn't bother me at all that she was carrying a revolver everywhere we went.

She was up front and honest about it, and I never felt safer.:)

El Rojo

New member
My wife knew at the time we started dating that I was carrying because we were good friends before we started dating. And the people in my close church group all know I pack heat. Sometimes she will say, "Do you have to bring that today?" And of course the answer is, "Yes." And that is the end of it.

Honestly, I don't see why you need to tell her on a first date. If you are truely concealed carry, she shouldn't have to know. Plus for me personally, I wouldn't be bragging about how I was packing heat unless for some reason it came up, but then it would be matter of fact rather than, "Guess what I got. I am cool."

I see it sort of as a test. Pack and don't tell her. Act like it isn't a big deal, because you know what? It isn't a big deal. Carrying a pistol is like carrying a pocket knife if you ask me. If she makes it into a big deal, move on.

Zak Smith

New member
All the answers thus far assume that this person you're going on a date with is someone who you're going to want to go on more dates with.

I don't know about you, but I've ended up on a few first dates that turned out terribly. And I don't want to blab to everyone that I'm carrying.

So here's my vote for discretion, until you know you want to pursue a relationship with this person. 'Course, if things are getting more "personal", then you're already there.



New member
Wow. I must admit I feel pretty dumb...Honestly did not even occur to me to just be up front!!!

I was thinking more along the lines of the guy on Glock Talk who got ratted out by his ex. She told University police that he carried on campus (NOT illegally, NOR against campus policy!) and he got in some trouble.

Anyhow, this girl is TOTALLY cool. (Don't know her stance on guns yet, but she's been taking kung-fu for 14 years, so that's good...)

Kinda odd how we met: A week ago Sunday, I was cruising home at about 12:30 from a late study session. I'm almost home, when I see a girl running at me waving her arms frantically. I'm thinking "oh ****! Its going down!" Expecting to see some wacko running after her or something.

Nope, much to my relief, it was no such thing. Turns out she had wrecked her '67 Mustang. Going a little too fast, tried to hit the brakes, but with those darn platform shoes lots of girls wear, she also caught the gas pedal. :( But if she had been wearing TACTICAL shoes... :p

At any rate, she was pretty hysterical. Turns out she also broke her wrist. :(

So I take her home, also not thinking happy thoughts about what her parents are thinking initially when they open the door to their hysterical daughter accompanied by some strange guy at 12:30am.

At any rate, she is scorchingly hot, sweet, and fun. We went out last night and have plans for another date, so we'll see...

Thanks for the advice!
