DateLine last Night-Let's Roll!

Anybody watch DateLine last night?

It was all about the Heroes on Flight 93.

It was quite well done. They didn't try and down play the fact
that these guys stood up and took action,
they made them out as the heroes they are.

Brought to light some interesting things I hadn't heard.

I'm not ashamed to admit it brought tears to my eyes.

Not enough heroes out there (maybe I'm wrong. I hope so.).

Let's Roll!!!



New member
Yes, I watched the program. One thing they mentioned I had not heard before is that flight 93 was 40 minutes late taking off.

That 40 minutes undoubtedly gave the passengers enough time to call home and get updated on the attacks on the WTC, and realize what was afoot. That was a key event in probably saving many lives.

It is assumed that the hijackers where probably going to attack the Pentagon. But, by the time they would have arrived in the Washington DC area, the combat air patrol was over Washington. Apparently, the fighters from Langley, VA., air base where only something like eight minutes from the Pentagon when it was hit.

A question so far that seems to remain unanswered is why where not fighters from Andrews AFB not scrambled? Andrews in right outside Washington and is where Air Force One is based.


New member
I always checkle when I think of the troop definition of MAC.....maybe airplane come.

Wish I had seen the program. These guys are definitely heros and shall be so recognized.


New member
I saw the show

I also saw the show and thought it was quite good. I appreciated the very end when they showed pictures of each passenger on that plane along with their names. We've heard a lot about the 3 or 4 who seem to have initiated the fight back plan, but there were many others on flight 93 who died who may have also helped in some way. I have to admit, when I was watching those pictures, I started crying for the first time since this thing happened. Maybe it was the first time it hit home with me that these were just ordinary people who found themselves in extraordinary circumstances and did what they could so that others might live.


New member
The show was well done. It brought alot of things into the light. I believe the individuals on the flight deserve the Freedom Medal. It was a good thing the hijackers waited so long to take over the aircraft. If they had taken it over sooner the outcome might have been different.

My heart goes out to the 33 people on board the aircraft.

As for the hijackers, there aint no "Allah" in hell. Only Satan.


New member
I saw it too and taped it. Tough, but I feel so proud and blessed to have got to know these people through their families. Todd Beamer's wife was on Larry King after GWB's speech, and she stated that her husband left their children an unbelieveable legacy, that the last moments of his life were spent selflessly, in the attempt to thwart evil and save the lives of untold people, and that regardless of his fear, he did what he had to do. I can't not think about it and not get a little choked up. All of them, regular people elevated to Guardian Angels-HEROES. You already know they saved 100's/1000's of people with what they did.

When I watched everything unfold on 9-11, I thought it was kinda funny that the 4th plane crashed into a field, and had a feeling that something went must have went wrong(with the terrorist's plans). My feeling was confirmed when I began finding about what happened, that some motivated passengers decided to take back what was taken from them, and say what you will, they succeeded.

And when GWB gives the order to whatever Special Forces elements we have ready to nab OBL, I want the "green light" command to be "Let's Roll!"


In fact, I want a TFL shirt that has "Let's Roll!" on it.


New member
Operation "Let's Roll!" sounds so much better than "Infinate Justice" or whatever touchy feely PC name they've hung on it. Course since this is supposed to be some coalition crap, it might offend someone. Almost like we might want to actually do something about binnie instead of put him in the time out chair:rolleyes:


New member
I never watch the network news magazines because they're usually so incredibly biased towards liberalism it makes me puke. So I didn't see this one, and for once it sounds like they did something decent.


New member
I second BigMike's request for a TFL shirt that says "Let's Roll" on it. I have never been so touched in my life as with the events and stories of the WTC on 9-11.
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New member
Bumper Sticker

In addition to the T-shirt, I would like to have a bumper sticker. It would get a lot of coverage.


New member
Heard a little earlier today on CBS radio news that some brief information on the cockpit voice recorder was revealed.

According to the report, the passengers where able to storm the cockpit. The report said the ensuing fight sounded gruesome. I bet it was one hellevua fight!

Of course, if it was that gruesome, I am sure we will never hear the recording. Must not alarm the peons. :rolleyes: