Daschle off and running


New member
Just caught part of a Wolf Blitzer interview with Tom Daschle. Daschle told Wolf that he has not made any decision about running for President, but he sure went to great extremes not to offend anyone.

Wolf asked Daschle if he agreed with Bush's statement that Sharon was a man of peace. Daschle said that he felt that Sharon wanted peace, but he could understand that the Israelis might feel "a little resentment" about suicide bombers. He used the word "resentment" several times in talking about Israeli feelings toward Palestinians.

Let's not offend the sensibilities of suicide bombers. They might have relatives in America who vote. Gag me!!

Daschle is the personification of the political process as described by Democratic guru James Carvell recently. Carvell said that there are a relatively few true swing voters in the country, and that to get elected, particularly at the national level, you can never say anything that will tick off any of them. Which means that you can never say anything that will tick off anyone. Too late, Tom, you tick me off.

Jason Demond

New member
Everytime I see that scumbag {Daschle} on tv I want to break something. :barf: We can NOT let this guy become President. We can't let any Democrat become President. We always loose something when they slip into Office!:barf:


New member
"Spell Daschle, Johnny." "OK," W-E-A-S-E-L" "That's correct, Johnny, you are going to get an A in Government class if you keep doing work that good."