Darn Darn Darn Darn road trips

My wife had to go to a meeting out of our little town, I decided to go with her as it's been a while since I had a good Greek meal. While she was at the meeting I went to a couple of gun shops. I the last one I stopped at I was struck right in the eye by this beautiful S&W Model 14-4 with a 6" barrel. I mean it just jumped out of the case right into my hand and would not let go for anything. I had to buy it as it was getting time to pick my wife up at her meeting. This beauty is blue, no wear, except for the cylinder mark. full oak checked grips. She has a sister there also almost a twin she is a model 14-3 in the same beautiful shape. A husband and wife had them and were selling some of there guns for some ungodly reason. I am doing a research on it. Serial # 88K1xxx I pulled the grips off and found several different marks. on the left side there is a A3 or 43, A15, A25, and 44918, on the right is a B inside a circle and a G inside a triangle and 04549. if anyone can help id this infromation I would be thankful. And the trigger is as smooth as a babies bottom both single and double action. I will try to post pictures if I can get them off the phone ( NEW PHONE).


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Flint Ridge

New member
Should be late 1980 model. Would have a pinned barrel.

All the other markings are mostly production stamps used interenally.

I've got a 14-3 and it is great, with a fair amount of wear.

Does it look something like this, with a shorter barrel?
