Dardas Cast Bullets For Sale - Highly Profitable!

Dardas Cast Bullets is located in Essexville, Michigan. It employs one full time and one part time. Dardas Cast Bullets was formed in 1992 under the business name of Dardas Shooters Supply, Inc. We are world renowned for our manufacturing of perfect cast bullets. Our customer base covers all fifty states including Guam and Puerto Rico. The total income averaged over the past three years is $171,343.

The domain name of www.dardascastbullets.com, the web store hosted by MIVA Merchant, the customer list (Excel file), machinery, and supplies will be included. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.

The selling price is $170,000.

Gary Wells

New member
Sorry to hear about this, Matt.
You will be missed, and so will your bullet casting.
Hopefully whoever buys your business will be smart enough to not change anything till they have had a good chance to study the operation.


New member
Hopefully whoever buys your business will be smart enough to not change anything till they have had a good chance to study the operation.

Agreed. Dardas has always been one of the best values in cast bullets IMO. Less expensive than most others, but at least as good of quality if not better. I've never gotten the groups with Missouri that I have with Dardas...

Heck if I was closer to retirement I would sincerely be interested in buying it and hopefully one of the kids would be interested in running it with me. And I would change as little as little as possible.

Gary Wells

New member
My main concern is if the new owner quits making the H&G#130 "button bullet". I have loaded that particular bullet for the last 25 or so yrs. Not too many companies cast that bullet anymore. Before "Extreme" bullets became "Extreme" they were "Western Nevada Bullet Company and when Extreme took ove they quit casting the H&G# 130.
Old Matt hits the big 65 next year, so this is probably planned to get the business sold by then.

I, too, hope the new owner matches quality and selection. Good luck with the sale. I don't suppose one of the existing employees knows things well enough to want to buy you out? That would be one way to ensure continuity.

Robert Palermo

New member
I believe Matt was pretty much a one man operation. Have not talked to him in awhile.
Matt made excellent bullets.
I just PM'ed him to give me a call.

Gary Wells

New member
Robert: I started a thread on a few forums letting people know that we were losing a great vendor/bullet caster. (1911 forum for 1). It would be nice if he dropped in on a few places to say good-by. I don't think that he realizes how many shooters/reloaders/followere he has and how many people will miss him & his business.

On another note, Robert: I think that Matt had the premier coverage for casting a good, high quality, weight consistent accurate H&G#130 "button bullet). I know that there a few casters still casting the #130 but i don't consider any of them in the same quality level that Matt was. Isn't there enough business for that particular bullet for your company to be interested?


New member
I am trying to reach Matt to inquire about purchasing his business. Does anyone here have regular contact with him or can PM me a personal phone number or email?

As a former customer, I have all of the old Dardas Bullets info which is now out of service.

I have PM'd him here on the board with no response.


New member
If only he sent out a mass email to all of his customers, early enough for him to hit his retirement date, I’m sure there would be many who would have ordered an “extra” amount/supply of product. He could have retired with a huge final order, to pad his retirement. I know I would have placed a 5 year (or more) order myself. That would be approx. 20k of bullets.