Danger close

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Glenn Dee

New member
OK Thats a term I have been hearing lately. I believe that it comes from the military, but I'm not sure. I like it. In fact I like it so much I'm going to start using it in my raving. ranting, and ramblings. I see DANGER CLOSE as a relitive term to describe a pending danger, and a gauge for taking action against said danger. For example a man armed with a SKS (rifle) will have different DANGER CLOSE perameters than someone armed with a pistol.

I'd like to hear some other opinions on this. If there are any instructors out there I'd like to know what you think of DANGER CLOSE as a teaching tool.


Glenn Dee.


New member
In close air support, artillery, mortar, and naval gunfire support fires, it is the term included in the method of engagement segment of a call for fire which indicates that friendly forces are within close proximity of the target, usually 600 meters however, the close proximity distance can be determined by the weapon and munition fired.

Please for the love of all that is sacred don't use this term out of context. It makes you sound ignorant and thanks to Modern Warfare 2, I have to put up with enough ignorance and the incorrect usage of military jargon.

Willie Lowman

New member
For example a man armed with a SKS (rifle) will have different DANGER CLOSE perameters than someone armed with a pistol.
There is a term that I have heard that more people are familiar with that comes from the military as well. In range.

I will use it in a sentence, That target at the other end of the field is in range for this SKS. I doubt you could hit that target at the end of the field with this pistol because it is out of range. Anyway, we should get out of this field because Bird Man called Arty in on the position of that 300 meter target and we are DANGER CLOSE.

Here is something else we could be real cool and copy from the armed forces, the metric system! Then we could say "Klicks" and "Mike Mike" and discuss velocity in meters per second! Yeah!


New member
Xanatos said:
thanks to Modern Warfare 2, I have to put up with enough ignorance and the incorrect usage of military jargon.

Golden Deagle, the best handgun in the world? Power of an M16, accuracy of a sniper rifle? Coriolis effect when sniping (that's the rotation of the earth)?

Being a gamer and liking guns, games like MW2 **** me off so much. I have no problems with inaccuracy in games because most game do not even attempt to suggest that they are trying to be realist or accurate. But the CoD series does, and it makes 14 year olds think they know everything there is to know about firearms and the military.

Also sorry for contributing to a hijack.


New member
it's among those phrases you never ever want to say in a real situation.
Goes with "they're in the wire" and other "oh crap" scenarios.



New member
The interpretation I have, is it's the closest area in which you would engage. For example, while doing observations (picking out threats/targets) danger close is the closest spot an anomaly would be, be it a bootband, a single round etc. Sometimes that would be 5 feet in front of you, or 100 yds out. Out on the range we use it as the nearest spot you would engage in your feild of fire, and when danger close is called out you would engage that area. I'm sure other people/services use it in different contexts but thats how I have interpreted it.



New member
This is the first I've ever heard of this phrase which I find annoying to say the least.

I don't see the necessity of creating a new phrase "just because"...

Aren't there any other words, perhaps words used over the last few centuries of warfare that always worked in the past?

I mean geeze-louise folks, it makes me think of "High Fivin' White Guy's" from In Living Color, it's just retarded...

Seems like something a Mall Ninja would come up with...


New member
I dont care what you call it....But i don't care if its an SKS or a pistol their both equal in danger,regardless of their proximity.I see gun of any size and im looking for cover.
And why the term "danger close".Wouldn't it be better to high tali it out of there and find a place of safety?

"Danger Close"...:barf:

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
There really isn't a whole lot to discuss here to begin with, but it's the lack of civility that got this one closed.
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