Dana Loesch NRA TV commercial lampooned


New member
Dana Loesch is a 2nd Amendment advocate, Fox News Channel contributor and Author (Hands Off My Gun), who did an "I am the NRA" T.V. commercial. The commercial was subsequently parodied in a way that I find singularly unfunny and reprehensible by one of her frequent detractors, a blogger, self-named "Pinhead" (What he lacks in 2nd Amendment understanding seems to be compensated by the candor of his Webname).

This was a feature of Megyn Kelly's Tuesday night show on Fox News Channel. They gave "Pinhead's" name on air, and I believe Ms. Loesch is taking legal action against him, or is exploring it.

Anyway, it might be a nice thing to voice support for Ms. Loesch, including buying her book, but also making "Pinhead's" antics known to other shooters/ gun owners, and condemning them in the strongest terms.
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New member
It strikes me as strange when anti-gun activist use calls for violence and animated murders to support their cause. It makes me wonder if they really care about stopping violent crime or if they simply see the Second Amendment as one more political issue supported by their opposition. Sadly too many have allowed our so called leaders to herd them into opposing camps where they are supposed to blindly support the party platform from top to bottom.


New member
It is / was a great NRA commercial. She is very convincing when she delivers her comments on being a gun owner. The lampoon, if that's what you want to call it, is ridiculouse and typical of anti gunners who must attack anything that is proguns. I hope the continue with the commercial - it is excellent.
It was on Adelsbach's Twitter feed. He deleted it pretty quickly. The guy's a hack who looks for inane ways to shock people. This was more of the same. I'm not aware that he has any ties to any gun-control groups, or even that he cares about the issue at all.

It was amateurish and the violence had an animation quality that made South Park look like high art. It was tasteless and rude, but...well, that's a big chunk of the internet.


Active member
I would like to see it so that I can see what we're really talking about - it's hard to be shocked by something that doesn't seem to exist (anymore)


Active member
Thanks for the link, 2ndsojourn. I watched the video. Yes, it's stupid, obnoxious, and hateful. I do not, however, think it breaks any laws; and it's definitely not funny.
That was a truly superb ad, with irrefutable logic.

I started a topic on THR about it, but nobody seems to have seen the tv ad before the topic was pushed from the bottom of the forum's page.

Nathan c

New member
I seen a comet about the fist amendment well I don't think it applies here it is agenst the law to make a death threats and I believe this was. He made a clear thret to this woman and her family.

Thow in a fight I would put my money on her