Dan Rather tonite


New member
caught a glimpse of a comercial this morning and Blather was saying something about a dangerous hunting rifle. It's supposed to be in a story tonite, sixty minutes I think.


New member
It is on the CBS nightly news. It is about the Remington M700 series of rifles. Seems there have been many instances where it would fire when the safety is released and finger off the trigger. The main slant is it is unsafe because of fatalities that have occured when this has happened.
Although I feel for the loss of life from this alleged fault...whatever happened to not allowing your muzzle to cover something you don't want to shoot.
The people who were holding the weapons need to step up to the plate and accept some of the responsibility, if not most or all of it!


New member
NoMk41*: Of course the report didn't mention Rule #2. That would require having a knowledge of the rules, something that your average reporter has no comprehension of...
--Mike From Iowa