Damn .32 H&R bug again, Ruger sp101


New member
In doing some research , looking for a new .22 revolver (my taurus 94 is going bye, bye) I was on the Ruger website and I noticed that the .32H&R magnums are back on the SP101 list http://www.ruger-firearms.com/Firea...riation=Satin Stainless&bct=Yes&type=Revolver

I was under the impression that ruger discontinued the .32 Magnum last year, but it looks like they reconsidered. I had a thing for the .32 magnums a while back but I had concerns about ammo availability and the only option available at the time was Taurus 731 which seems to be a fine gun, but I don't care for the porting. I thought the .32 magnum could serve double duty as a low recoil trainer for my kids (shooting .32 S&W even though ammo is not cheap like a .22) and as a house gun for my wife who is recoil sensitive. So my question to you guys is this.

1) Is Ruger reintroducing the SP101 in .32 H&R Mag?

2) My biggest fear is that I will buy a .32 Magnum revolver and suddenly everyone stops making .32 H&R magnum and .32 S&W long ammo. I have a Kel Tec P-32 and I don't think .32acp is going anywhere. I know it is possible to use .32acp in a newer .32 magnum revolver, and some do this regularly. Has anyone used .32acp ammo in their .32 magnum revolvers (Especially the Rugers) and what was the result?

3) If the Ruger is not coming out, how bad is the porting exhaust from the 731? I know S&W made a nice discontinued revolver, but they are hard to find and I rather buy new.

4) Am I better off just getting another .22 revolver?:p


Just got one of those cool revolvers for one of the guys here, we are doing ana ction job and a few little things for him...nice gun

And if they stop making ammo? Reload



New member

The .32 H&R is a fun little cartridge and, I think, potent enough for a CQB defensive revolver. I have the S&W 432PD (below) and have owned a Taurus 731 in the past. The porting isn't really needed for the .32, especially in an all-steel gun. Downside on the porting is if you are firing close to the body or aiming upwards for some reason. Beyond that, it's not a big issue. In low light conditions you'll see the upwards flash, but it's not that bright and even my old eyes recovered quickly.

The only problem with firing .32 S&W Long is leading in the cylinders. I learned to take a .30 caliber brush along to the range and brush the cylinders out about ever 18 rounds or so. The .32 S&W Long cartridge will be around for a while. I've found that the Fiocchi ammo is inexpensive and pretty accurate.

Georgia Arms, Load-X and several other 2nd tier ammo makers are loading for the .32 H&R in both defensive ammo and cowboy action ammo so I think you'll see the little magnum hang on for quite a while yet. Reloading the .32 is enjoyable and cheap if you have some once-fired brass.



New member
Reloading the .32 is enjoyable and cheap if you have some once-fired brass.

Exactly. It is smaller calibers like this that really show the savings in price compared to factory loaded. And I load the caliber to much higher pressures than you can buy as well.

I own two, both Ruger Single Sixes. I have the older blue model with adjustable sights and a 4 5/8ths barrel. And the polished stainless model meant for Cowboy shooters. Black micarta and fixed sights. Great little guns and very strong compared to the H&R topbreaks that factory ammo has to reflect.

If I was looking to buy a .32 Mag, I would look for an adjustable sighted Single Six first. Best bang for the buck. Doesn't mean there isn't more desirable guns. S&W made the M63 Kit Gun in .32 Mag. That's the Model 631, made for one year, and used prices are crazy. They also made the K-32 Masterpiece in .32 Magnum. Those used prices are also crazy but I would love to have one. That's the Model 16-4. Only made for three years, 89-92.



New member
Don't worry about the availability of factory .32 S&W Long and .32 H&R. They'll be around for a long time. Revolvers chambered for the .32 Mag are more popular today than ever before and it helps that its also used in CAS. Heck, just look at the amount of praise the mini-magnum gets on sites like this. I've yet to find a post where the owner has disliked the round.

I don't know if the SP-101 in the .32 mag is being produced this year. I do know that it's not very hard to find new ones though, I saw 2 at the last gunshow.

But if you don't want to reload let me know, I'll buy stock in Federal and Black Hills. At the prices they sell for they have to be making truck loads of $$ on the .32 Mag. In other words, RELOAD!



New member
I have also seen a few of the .32's floating around so I would not say they are in demand like ther sp in 22lr ...You will have to make the choice on your own .
I just picked a sp101 2 inch in .357 that was like new for $250 and I thought that was a good buy for a traveling gun show that was in my area .
I have never been a .32 caliber guy ...I'm not even sure the cost on that ammo .
I really did not need the sp ...I have 6 of them but for that price and condition I could not pass .
The same guy who I bought the .357 from had 4 of the .32 ...3 were new and one was used ...I think if I'm paying 450 for new gun I'm buying the .357 ... you can still shoot the 38 rounds in that gun .
But I do love my sp 101 in 22lr 2" barrel and there becoming few and far between .


Mark B

New member
I was just in my local shop yesterday looking for one of these SP101s. The shop guy called and was told that the gun was DC'd. I hope his distributor was just wrong and that they still are available. The 32 H&R mag. does seem like the perfect fit for a smaller gun for packing and trails. A 6 shooter on the 5 shot frame with a 3" barrel in a cartridge with low recoil, and power aproaching .38 special.


New member
Hey cool the SP in .32.... with a 3 or 4 inch barrel choice none the less!

I kinda wish that they would lighten up the gun for the smaller cals though...27 oz for a .32 is pretty heavy. (ahhh fantasy land is fun to visit :p )

Any how I looked at the ammo and its up there in the 12 to 30 buck range.....often for only 20 rounds in a box. :eek:

Yep like the others said reloading seems the way to go and with a heavy tough Ruger you probably could load up some pretty HOT ammo and still be safe. Something to look into anyhow.
Be cool to have a .32 mag well up there into .38 special power.:D


New member
.32 Mag prices here are around $11.00/20 for federal JHP's and $17.00/50 for black hills LRN's. I can reload for around 6 cents per round. It's almost cheaper to shoot my relaods than my .22 Mini-Mags.

Also It's not hard to get .38 power from the .32 mag. I've even seen on the net where guys are pushing 100 gr. JHP's at 1500 fps. If I'm not mistaken that is above .38 +P and a close match with the 9mm. All that with 1/2 the recoil. I haven't done it and will stay with-in published loads that still can be about on par with .38+P. Anyone have any clue what the word "Disclaimer" means? I need to get a dictionary.

Greguw, You really need to get ahold of one and shoot it. You won't be disappointed. Around here I can get new SP-101's for $370. As far a .32 mag vs .357. I'll take the .32 in a heartbeat. You get 6 shots instead of 5 and recoil is about nill. Sorry to say and IMHO, I'm not a fan of .357 in small frame guns.



New member
BTW, published "MAX" loads:

.32 H&R.

85 gr JHP and 6 grs. of Accur #7 = 1364 fps.
100 gr JHP and 4.4 grs of Accur #7 = 1222 fps.

.38 spl.

90 gr. JHP and 9.8 grs of HS6 = 1305 fps
110 gr JHP and 8 grs of HS6 = 1180 fps


90 gr JHP and 6.6 grs of v-3N37 = 1518 fps
100 gr JHP and 6.7 grs of v-3N37 = 1322 fps

These are the fastest loads for each round listed in my Lee manual. The .32 mag is about on par with the .38 for a similer weight/type bullet and only 100-150 fps behind the the 9mm. My book is a few years old and doesn't show a load for them but many reloaders of the .32 mag are having good luck with the 115 gr bullets.

Not too shabby.



New member
I was trying to convince my self that I don't need another sp ...Now you have gone and done it ...LOL
I do have 22lr sp's and then I jump right to the .357 ... I won't write off owning a .32 it dose not top my revolver list right now .
Thanks for the heads up .



New member
Greg..I actually found out the SP were coming out in .32 mag, because I was looking for the .22 version. Funny that the don't make the SP in .22 anymore. My Taurus 94 has been a pain in my backside, and I was going to trade it for an new SP-101 in .22, but now it looks like I'm going with a .32H&R. Funny Ruger stopped making the .22 version. Their are not too many options for a .22 DA revolver. I usually like Taurus but my Taurus 94 stinks. It has close to a 20lb trigger pull and I my sights kept coming loose ever so often. The S&W 317 is a good gun, but real expensive. All you have left is the Charter Arms Pathfinder, or buying used.

A few years back, I had an .32 S&W long revolver and it was real interesting to shoot. It has pretty low recoil, somewhere between a .22 and a .38, and had a puffy small muzzle flash. Neat caliber but I sold it because I could not get past the problems finding and the expense of the ammo, but that was when I was shooting a lot of .22 and 9mm so I was spoiled.

After shooting more .32acp and .45 and .44, I'm realizing that I buy more ammo online more than ever and .32H&R Magnum and .32 S&W long is that expensive. Heck I just paid $35 for a box of .32acp silvertips


New member
Thanks Mike ...I will give the .32 a second look , I can't beleave ruger stoped making the sp101 in 22lr ...I have 2 in 4" one NIB and 1 sp 22lr thats a 2" so I have all the 22lr that I need ... I love that caliber 22lr , its a cheap date ...LOL
It would be nice to have a in between caliber ...The cost of ammo is going thru the roof ... 22lr seems to stay pretty steady .
Thanks for all the info on .32



New member
BTW, published "MAX" loads:

I just want to point out that by "published" in this case, you mean a loading manual which is meant for basically all guns in that caliber. Even break-top H&R's. The loads I've posted before that take the 85 grain XTP up to 1500 fps are "published." They were from an article in Guns magazine back in 1985. By Skeeter and D. Grennel. But those loads were only tested and recommended for the Ruger Single Six. There are "hot loads" for .32 Magnum that have been published and tested in the stronger guns by recognized authorities. I just don't want people to get the wrong idea and think there are just some crazy people running around out there hot-rodding their guns. I don't believe in loading right up to the red line myself. I'm able to get some very efficient and potent loads that are well above the manuals and yet don't show any pressure signs in MY guns.



New member
I've seen what a S&W 4 inch .32 long, loaded with handloaded full wadcutters will do to a big ol' honkin' Rottweiler, and I can guarantee you that I don't want to gt hit with one.:eek:


New member
Mark, Yes you can shoot .32 S&W long in a .32 H&R Magnum revolver. Just l8ike a .38/.357.

You could also shoot .32 S&W and in some cases .32acp, but with the ACP you will get mixed results due to the small ACP rim (extraction) and the distance the bullet has to jump to reach the forcing cone.


New member
Quote: I just don't want people to get the wrong idea and think there are just some crazy people running around out there hot-rodding their guns.

I didn't take it that way at all. I've seen posts over at the Ruger Forum where many others are running hot loads (1500 fps) in the .32 mag. It's not just you. From what I understand they are doing it and are still not showing signs of excesive pressure. With published loads of 1364 fps for 85 gr'ers and 1222 for 100 gr'ers, it not hard to believe 1500 fps. I bet they pack a heck of a wallop with the ol' .32 pop gun. If I ever try it you can be dang sure I'll work up real real slow. I don't feel the need to blow a gun up in my hands. Of coarse my statements are followed by a "Don't do this at home" disclaimer. :D



New member
"If I ever try it you can be dang sure I'll work up real real slow. I don't feel the need to blow a gun up in my hands. Of coarse my statements are followed by a "Don't do this at home" disclaimer. "

I've carried a S&W 432 for a long time now. Then I got a reloading press.

And now it follows that I've gotten an SP101 in .32 mag, *just* so I can play around with the hot stuff without breaking my airweight in case I run a little too hot :)

I'm not loading for it yet, I'm still practicing on .38spl. But, when I do start, I want to play around with the heavier end of things... I've seen 115gn .312 out there and it seems to me that since both revo's have .357mag length cylinders, I might get away with seeing what I could do with, oh, 120-150gr .311/.312 rifle projectiles.

That's some sectional density, right there.


New member
.32 S&W Long isn't terribly expensive factory practice ammo if one looks hard enough. One of my local dealers has S&B .32 long wadcutters for $8.95/box last time I checked.