Dallas Newbie - Dillon 550B - Help needed


New member
Im not close enough to help in person, but you'll be fine on your own. I bought the Lee reloading manual and read the reloading basics section first. This will go through each step of the basic process. You couldnt have picked a better machine than a dillon. I set mine up by myself, and I was leery too. Go slow and double check every thing. You'll do fine.


New member
Thanks Red-rider I watched a great demonstration from youtube. A guy uploaded a bunch of videos of his 550B that answered pretty much all my questions. I wasn't too sure the differance between manual and auto indexing. Now I'm researching the Hornady LNL AP before I finally decide. I see pros & cons between it & the Dillon. I'll have to do some math too. A big plus for the Dillon is the no BS cust support and great rep. I like the auto indexing, free bullets, and powder system for the LNL. Decisions decisions...