Daewoo .22


New member
I stopped by a shop to buy ammo yesterday and saw what I thought was a PPK clone sitting on the shelf. Lo and behold, it was a Daewoo .22 pistol. It is a PPK clone, even breaks down like one,single or double action, and a 10 round mag. This one looked unfired, no powder residue anywhere. The shop was asking $169. for it. Can you say, "Tempted"?
Well, I passed. I've heard Daewoo's are hard to get parts for, the company is bankrupt, etc. But since then I've looked on the gun auctions and can't find any other .22's by Daewoo out there. Are they kinda rare? Anyone have one? It is Christmas after all, and I've been good(sorta).


New member
Buy it

Heck for no other reason than it's a PPK clone. It's only $169 .... I'd even try to get them to go down on the price.


New member
I'd love to run into a .22 Daewoo. They build a good gun...BTW, Daewoo is still alive..Actually, Kimber was the main importer of these guns until about 1996. Parts are sporadic here, but of course, available in S.Korea including their fax number. They are the best thing to come out of the Orient since the Honda...