DAC sportsafe


New member
Does anyone have this safe? It is a bargain compared to the GunVault, and I was just wondering if it is a good one. It's got a light, spring door, shelf; so it seems perfect, but experience will sway me.


It will be used for the bedroom closet for one or two carry pistols, depending on what is being carried by my wife or I at the time. The big safe is for the rest.

I do have little ones around, so when not carrying and in my control they need to be locked.



New member
I got one! :D Works great! It sits right on the floor next to my bed. Its much cheaper than the Gunvault and works the same. Its even set up so that you can bolt it down if needed. I would recomend to anyone. I got mine at wally world for like $56.

Doug S

New member
I've had one for about 4 years. I keep my CCW firearms in it. It has been very reliable, no complaints. For the price, I say pick one up.


New member
Does it have an audible alarm if you mess up the code multiple times? How about a timeout? Just a feature if little fingers get curious of something they shouldn't.


New member
Does it have an audible alarm if you mess up the code multiple times? How about a timeout? Just a feature if little fingers get curious of something they shouldn't.

Yes. I thought it was kind of loud and annoying so I diabled it. It would beep every time you hit the buttons. I diabled it and I think its much better. Plus if a Bad guy does breakin or whatever he will not get the BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

BOOOOOOM warning, just the BOOM.:D Plus I like the key backup. It does have a built in system setup so that if anyone trys the code wrong a few times its locked out for a default time. Overall its a great little safe and works perfect and for the price you can not beat it. Also has a little light inside incase its dark.

Very good product at a great price!


New member
I got mine from Walmart a couple months back for around $55. It works great for the price. I also disable the audible chirp for obvious reason. One thing that needs some consideration is that the batteries are inside the safe, so if the battery is drained while the thing is locked, you'll have to use the key. That means you'll always have to have the key nearby. I solved this by purchasing one of those little Master key holders that has a 4 digits combination (9999 possible user settable combinations). I store the key in the key holder and keep it near the safe, but out of sight. The Master key holder is very sturdy and chances are, the safe itself will probably be broken into easier than this key holder. I got the key holder from Home Depot. Also, the internal light of the safe is very dim; it is just enough for you NOT to fumble around and make more noise. Maybe that was intentional.
I have one and it works great.

They can handle a pretty big firearm too.

Here is a pic of mine with the regular resident (a Taurus m65) and a GP100 with a 6" barrel.



New member
Thanks guys! I also apreciate the pics in use to give a feel for size. PBP takes better pics than the likely overpaid ad agency that DAC used...

My hope is that 2 1911s(usual carry choices) fit in there, but it may be too tight, or need a custom divider.

As for the light, the glowing eyes of Tritium will help...:D

Now to find one in stock.


New member
I have both and the Gunvault runs out of batteries twice as fast - and costs twice as much - So you can guess what I would recommend...


New member
I just got this from the brown truck this afternoon. I haven't had time to check it out, but I will and I'll let you all know.

I wound up getting it from Wal-mart online for 55 plus tax and shipping. Still a better deal than Midway. Unfortunately nothing is stocked local...

Full Jacket

New member
By no means trust this safe to function properly when you need it most. I purchased one and it malfunctioned repeatedly. I tried to return it and the merchant stuck to it's "all sales are final" policy. They wouldn't even give me a store credit to purchase a more expensive safe.

What's worse is when I brought the unit in and asked for a refund another salesman said another customer had just come in a few days earlier with similar issues so mine wasn't the only one.

Bottom line is it's a defective product that they are not willing to stand behind. Don't wait until you really need it to open for you to find that for yourself.


New member
I don't know if this is a concern for you or not but...

There are a lot more possible combinations for a GunVault because you can press any combination of buttons. According to the website you posted there are ~10,000 combinations for the DAC safe. GunVaults have 12,204,000 combinations (which would take up to 11,390,625 guesses to crack). I would imagine 10k is enough for most people though.

However GunGuard safes don't have many combinations at all because you can only press one button at a time. They only have 5,440 possible combinations and you only have to try up to 4,096 to get it open. That's a low enough number that the odds of a child playing with the buttons accidentally getting it open are too high for me (especially since they will probably only be pressing one at a time).

I particularly like the GunVaults because since you can press any combination of the buttons, you can program your combination to be an easy to remember number (phone number, ssn, etc.). You can have 6 entries of a number from 1-15.


New member
How do I turn off beeps?

Does anyone know how to turn off the button beeps? I've lost the instructions to my DAC Sportsafe.


New member
DAC Sportsafe Manual

After much Internet searching and frustration I have found my DAC Sportsafe manual and have scanned it into a .pdf. If you need a copy please email me at calvin@therobertshome.org and I will provide a return attachment.


New member
DAC Support information update

I contacted the folks at DAC Technologies with the following inquiry:

I love your DAC Sportsafe product as many others out here in America do as well. The problem is that I have shuffled the physical manual away and cannot find it. I'm flabbergasted that you do not have an instruction manual posted for the Sportsafe on your website though. If you Google the DAC Sportsafe manual or instruction guide you can only find many who are posting how hard it is to find in the search results. I've owned mine for years and this morning, I went online to find an AC adapter for it. I didn't see the adapter listed on your website either. Would you please consider adding the manual and adapter information to your product and support page?

Kind Regards;

Mat Rogers at DAC Technologies replied with the following:

"I apologize for the inconvenience. Attached are instructions for your safe. As for the adaptor, you will need a 12v adaptor with negative polarity. The plug on the adaptor needs to have an outside diameter of 5.5 and an inside diameter of 2.5. You can purchase one of these at Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, etc.

All of this will be found on our website next week."

Best Regards; Mat.


New member
DAC Sport Safe Owner's Manual, ATV-2003

I'm uploading a .pdf version of the DAC Sport Safe owner's manual, I hope someone can find it useful, even though this thread is quite old. When I was searching for the manual/instructions online I found my way to this forum, so maybe others will find it here, too.


  • DAC Sport Safe Owners Manual ATV-2003.pdf
    875.9 KB · Views: 1,277