DA revolver function question


New member
Okay, another question about that Colt Police Positive I'm trying to get back together. Looking at it again, it seems that the cylinder rod isn't the problem. Rather, the little locking lug that locks the cylinder in place isn't retracting far enough when the hammer comes back, and so the cylinder won't turn.

What causes this, and is it user-servicable? Or do I really need to go visit Tam's smith again? :)



New member
Are you talking about the hand or the bolt (piece that pops up at the bottom)? In either case, they are hand fitted so unless you have spares around, it might be best to send to a gunsmith.

Also, both of those are designed to lock the cylinder in place until the trigger releases fully.

James K

Member In Memoriam
The cylinder bolt is pivoted down by the little cam on the rebound lever pushing up on its back end. That is a very closely fitted mechanism and very tricky. The hand must be long enough to begin to turn the cylinder just as the bolt is retracted, so the hand enters the equation also.

I would advise taking it to a gunsmith, but there are very few any more who really understand that mechanism. I can only suggest studying the system closely, and I think you may figure out the problem. If all else fails, you might try somebody like Cylinder and Slide (www.cylinder-slide.com) and send it to them.

WARNING FOR OTHERS. DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THE OLD STYLE COLT DA REVOLVERS UNLESS YOU DAMN WELL KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! They weren't made to be taken apart by kitchen table "gunsmiths" just to see what makes them tick.
