

New member
June 6, 1944


Many brave men died today, to ensure the freedom and salvation of civilization.

I give thanks.

Semper Fi


New member
I, too, humbly salute thier sacrifices.
We went shooting, and visited a Military History Museum. Will watch BOB or Private Ryan tonight.


New member
I am free in this land of opportunity and beauty because of the supreme selfless sacrifices that many men and boys made on this day. Most Americans don't even know the carnage that took place on that beach. What a pivotal battle. I never knew my Uncle Bob who died in France in WWII, but I thank him often. He was 19 years old.


New member
I thank all the brave men who died , and those who put themselves in harm's way to keep us free. (and much of the rest of the world free)

I also thank those who are out there tonight doing the same thing. It's too easy sitting here in A/C tapping on a computer to take for granted the sacrifices others are making for me and my children as we speak.


New member
Thanks and God Bless to all those who Sacrificed, from the Revolution to the World Wars, through the numerous "Interventions/Police Actions and all the way up to the Service men and women who are involved today.
This country is free today only because of them.
D-Day was a hell that only the ones there could ever really understand and I am thankful they had the courage to do what they did.
Semper Fi


New member
Those guys that hit the beaches, jumped in, landed in Gliders on D-Day were MEN. I got nothing but respect for em...truth be told if the military would let em I bet some would sign on to go to Iraq...and probably still kick some ass.

That was something for a guy to know he would probably get killed on D-Day but to saddle up and still do it......

One of the things that still sticks out at me today is when the 101st was surrounded in Bastogne and were low on everything but Germans...The german officer comes to accept the surrender and he tells em NUTS. I remeber this because our junior high had a freedom shrine of documents up...along with the Decleration of Independence and the Constitution, Gettysburg Adress was a copy of the reply sent to the Germans... all I could do was just read it and shake my head thinking that was one tough SOB..lol

The good thing is that ever generation or so we still have men who are willing to put it on the line..even today.

Seems America's sons still know when to come runnin with arms...........


New member
We should all take a moment to give thanks to those who have defended us in the past and those who are out there in all coners of the globe defending us today.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
The first time I stood in front of "The Wall", it was pouring down rain, and I cried like a baby. It just all hit home at once. If messages can get to heaven, to my friends and all those other Americans that paid that horrible price, THANK YOU.


New member
We should all take a moment to give thanks to those who have defended us in the past and those who are out there in all coners of the globe defending us today.

Amen, bro!

Adding to what Eghad said, let's not forget the guys of the USAAF in the bombers. Imagine lumbering along in large groups at 19,000 to 24,000 feet at a whopping 220mph while the Germans heat up those 88mm guns. A modern jetliner passes over your "gunnery range" in about 20 seconds while those bombers presented targets for 2 minutes or more! And they went back, day after day, just to see that one man leaning over a bombsight put the eggs on target.

And just in case you didn't know, during WW-II, you were supposed to fly 25 missions and rotate out. Average life expectancy on a bomber crew was 9 missions. The overall loss rate for Allied bombers during the war was ... are you sitting down? -- just over 62%!

Now you know why they were called men!

God bless them all.


New member
They answered a call that few ever could. They were the definition of BRAVE MEN. I saw a sign on a car shop that said thank a veteran for your freedom, so THANKS TO ALL OF OUR SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE OR ARE SERVING! and if they can hear me, THANKS TO ALL THE ONES WHO PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE, I'm sure that there's a special place in heaven for them.


New member
I think about my Dad. On D-Day he was on an LST that landed in the third wave on Utah beach. His unit was supposed to set up anti-aircraft positions on the beach. But, with the lack of German aircraft sightings they were ordered to "grab their rifles and move out." He told me about weeks of hard fighting in the hedgerows and seeing alot of good men die. Even though he was in an ordanance unit, he did see quite a bit of combat throughout the war. From D-Day to the Buldge and into Germany where he led his squad and captured a German torpedo factory after a fight,he won the Bronze Star. He passed away in '96 but, I will never forget what they ALL did to protect our democratic freedoms. God bless them all...Norm.


New member
Yep! gave my dad a call last night!!!!! Forgot it was "D-Day" :eek: 81 yrs old . Landed at Normandy 3rd wave...Went all the way to Berlin without a scratch :) ........We really own those guys alot!!!!! :)


New member
My grandfather who was 84 years old and in the navy in wwII died yesterday :( and while i am saddened I think it is not a coincidence. My other grandfather who introduced me to shooting was in a b-22 in korea I think we should thank them and all the other service men and women. My great grandfather was in ww1 I have a legacy in the military as many other families do. Thank for your service you are all selfless and hard-working just so lazy bums like us can do this.
Thank You,


New member
I think no one can know for sure what they will do when faced with such circumstances. In my 5 years of military service, I never faced battle. I can only hope that I would have showed the incredible courage and bravery that those men exhibited on those beaches, on that day.

That very scene is what plays in my head EVERYTIME I stand at attention for the playing of our National Anthem. God Bless their souls.