D.C. plates?

Ed Dixon

New member
Just yesterday I pulled up behind a car with Washington, D.C. plates that had as its motto: "Taxation without Representation." Was this an overlay holder meant to fool or is this the genuine article? Sorry if I seem oblivious. Do we really have a legit plate logo that is basically a snotty whine?


New member

thats the real deal DC plate
Clinton had them put on the presidential limo just before Bush took over

the DC residents have no vote in congress or the senate but they do pay income taxes


New member
Someone made a suggestion, years ago, to give over the residential areas of DC back to Maryland. I think that's a good idea. :p

Navy joe

New member
The wisdom of living in DC aside, it's a legitimate gripe, They don't get the congressional reps thet deserve, just a "shadow senator" and a crack smokin' mayor. I agree, give everything that's not Federal property back to Maryland. Virginia don't want any of that riff-raff.


New member
I agree with the representation part, however it was mayor Barry that was the crack smoker. Why don't we give them to California - can't make that state any worse and we certainly don't need to make Maryland any worse than it is now. Maybe when the great earthquake comes it would take the seceded part of DC too.
Virginia got its part back in 1848. That's why the western boundary of DC follows the river instead of the nice straight lines of the other boundaries.

I've got a friend who is a doctor. She and her husband live in DC. They knock down probably $250-300K a year.

They moved into the District knowing full well they had no representation. Mr. James, I think you know who I'm talking about.

All she can do is scream bloody murder about how she's disenfranchised.

Another friend finally had it one evening. Asked her "Were you scared?"

She asked what he was talking about...

He asked if she was scared when the guy stuck a gun in her ribs and FORCED her to buy a $400,000 house in an exclusive DC neighborhood.

She was NOT amused. The rest of us were.

She, and most of the other people screaming about this, are unwilling or simply unable to comprehend the fact that it's not up to Congress to "grant" representative rights for DC.

It requires a Constitutional Amendment, passed by 2/3rds of the states.

The fact that DC residents now can vote for President and have 3 electoral college votes is UNCONSTITUTIONAL as hell!

Does the fact that DC residents have no voting rights bug me? Yeah, a little.

But what REALLY frosts my ass is rich whining little liberal pukes like my doctor friend VOLUNTARILY moving to DC and then trying to make some sort of case that they're part of the downtrodden masses.

If DC wants voting rights, let them go back to Maryland.

But Maryland doesn't want them.

And, quite frankly, I'd be willing to go to war to PREVENT DC from becoming its own state.

Christ, it's a freaking joke the way it's run right now.

Could you imagine it being a state?


New member
Virginia got its part back in 1848. That's why the western boundary of DC follows the river instead of the nice straight lines of the other boundaries.

Yep. Arlington County, Va. has the borders of the old Virginia portion of the District. (for the most part). Arlington very nearly completes the old square diamond shape (excepting the bottom point, which now is part of the City of Alexandria.

BTW, Mike, I've always thought it was 1846, but maybe you're right.

sleeping dog

New member
I'd like to see DC become part of Maryland.

Citizens of Maryland may have other opinions, I'd guess.

It might shut up Senator-in-waiting J.Jackson. For a minute. Maybe.



New member
Let's take a lesson from "Escape From New York", build a wall around DC and declare it a prison. Once you go in, you never come out.