D/A revolver shooting


New member
This is being offered to supplement the recent discussions here on combat shooting with bigbore DA revolvers. Hopefully it will not result in another locked thread.

I was asked to run a qualification for a small Department yesterday afternoon, and during a lull I was able to get another instructor to run me through with my old S&W .44 Magnum. I teased the Major who ordered the targets, and asked him if they were left-over props from the old movie “Land of the Giants”. The load was a 200 grain RNFP with enough Universal (about 9 grains) to approximate WW 210 Magnum Silvertips; all shooting was DA, fired from standing. 48 rounds total worth a max of 5 points each, for a possible of 240 points. Stages were as follows-

3 Yards- six strong-hand only and six weak-hand only, in 20 seconds including reload. This is the dreaded hip-shooting that most LE instructors avoid like the plague these days. I am one of the few dinosaurs who still teach it as part of qualifications.

7 Yards- Double-taps from the holster, in 4 seconds or less. Repeat three times.

7 Yards- Three rounds from “low ready”, in 4 seconds or less. Repeat twice.

15 Yards- Twelve rounds in 25 seconds or less, including reload.

25 Yards- Twelve rounds in 45 seconds or less, including reload.

I don’t shoot a DA revolver as well as I used to, yet I still finished the stages with time to spare. I was the only revolver shooter there, and oddly enough, posted the only "possible". I wandered off to the right there a tad, but I can live with it.


New member
Thanks for your excellent report, which validates my long held opinion that I am well defended with Smith N frames or Ruger GP100s.


New member
Can D/A be accurate enough for bullseye type shooting. I guess the heavy trigger pull would complicate matters, but can you shoo say three inch groups, one handed at 50 feet double action?


New member
Hello, Brother Dinosaur...

Ivnssgt: I don’t shoot a DA revolver as well as I used to, yet I still finished the stages with time to spare.
Gee! Imagine if you practised some with it? Looks serious to me.
Ivnssgt:I was the only revolver shooter there, and oddly enough, posted the only "possible".
Probably will get yourself branded as a 'poisonous individualist'; or at least a show off. This is America; what a country! Be Free!
Ivnssgt:I wandered off to the right there a tad, but I can live with it.
Yeah, come a click left.

Seriously, Sarge, that's 'competent' shooting; and that's the whole point. I'll have to see if I can honswoggle my range guy into 'qualifying' me with one of my revolvers. Company policy won't let me carry it, but it will probably be 'enlightening'.


New member
Thanks, Archie. There were only four of us on the line when I did that. The last time I benched the gun at 25 yards it was about an inch and a half right with my qual load, but dead on (windage) with my hunting load. A half turn down on the elevation screw, and it'll be zeroed for 250 Keiths at about 1300 fps.

Newerguy, I wouldn't bet I could shoot that 3", 50-foot group one-handed DA, but I might try it two-handed. There are guys out there that can do it, I just probably ain't one of them.

Glad you enjoyed it, RWK. I had fun doing it :D


New member

Guy, I used to be what you call a competent shooter. Unfortunatelly the eyes and occasional flares of arthritis make that a thing of the past. I guess I now have to be satisfied with being a competent across the living room survival shooter.

Guy B. Meredith

New member

Well you're one step ahead of me. I can put the shots into the 3" circle two handed very inconsistently due to a constant fight with a flinch that I picked up from shooting 12 GA slugs in a bolt action shotgun and a mean face smashing Argentine Mauser chambered in 30-06. When the flinch is quiet, it's good. When the flinch starts 6" is my best. :eek:

Doing it SA is a piece of cake--two handed. Those turkeys that can do the bullseye thing cause my envy factor to go off scale. :mad:


New member
I recently took a revolver class as well...

In MN, Defensive Edge has revolver handgun class which is a blast. (no pun intended)

The signup for it filled in about 3 weeks before the class. Everyone had their Smiths, Colts, Rugers, and Taurus (me) and LOTS of 38spl cases littered the ground.

The last 2 rounds of class, I decided to get a little snarky and put in some heavy loads with 2400 and mag primers. Needless to say, the guys next to me on the range were not prepared.

It was a fun class and I learned so much more than the $45 the class cost.

Autos are nice...they are the "prefered" sidearm for many folks.

but, I gotta say, my revolvers have NEVER jammed on a round. And if they dont go off with a lazy primer, I just cycle to the next round in the chamber.

nuf said.