Czech mate..

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Just picked up a new CZ 452 Standard and shot it today. I had shot one before and liked it. This one makes it two for two.
I was a bit worried that the previous one was a fluke. Now I have to worry that the next one I buy is a fluke - I.E., won't work as well as the first two..

Several things impressed me and the rifle builder that I ordered the rifle through. The $200.00 price tag was first. :) The overall fit and finish were good. The fact that the barrel is screwed in to a tubular steel receiver was very good. The steel magazine is excellent. The trigger is supurb! Out of the box it's a tad gritty and breaks at about 3 llbs. What makes it superb is that it's essentially a M70 Winchester trigger. Easy to adjust/tune. :D

Other things I liked - the iron sights work very well. The top of the receiver is groved for scope rings. I like drilled and tapped better, but I can live with this - may never scope this rifle anyway. The stock is built for the iron sights and fits me well. I'm a 17 inch neck, 36 inch sleeves sort of guy, so a good fitting stock is a joy.

Accuracy was only roughly judged. We had a full house at the range today, so the only deserted bay was the falling plates bay. Eight inch in dia steel plates were no challenge at 65 yards. I was able to pick which half I hit. (if you hit these at the top, they fall even with a .22) The quick zero on a paper target at 50 yards using Federal bulk ammo revealed a 1/2 high by two inch wide 5 round string. Either a smaller bullseye or better trigger control should tighten that up. Also will pay to test some different ammo.

Now the goal is to save some money up and get either the Varmint (their spelling) or the American model. The way the action bolts to the stock makes it a snap to glass the rifles. Add in the adjustable trigger and we have a poor man's Model 52.

Anybody looking for a good .22 needs to take a hard look at these!

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Had an abbreviated range session today with the rifle. Accuracy at 75 yards, iron sights, Win TT22 ammo was about an inch and a half. That's probably the limit for my eyes and iron sights. A tin can was perforated with ease at the same distance. Almost got boring.. :D


New member
Toldja so. :D

Now you just need to get something in .45LC to make yourself some empty cases for targets. ;)



New member
There was some article way back about "mini-sniping". Apparently, you can practice your 1000 yard shooting with your .22. All you do is set up a 9mm empty 35 yards downrange. The scale is such that you're nearly replicating a torso shot at 1000 yards. Of course you don't get the same wind/mirage/etc. effects that you would at 1000, but its still pretty cool nonetheless. I use my Kimber for this and its a pretty good way to train for using my 700P.

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
That's an interesting idea. For years I've used 12 ga hulls for plinking with rimfires, 35y and 9mm hulls would be very interesting - with a scope.

Can't help with the zip files.. Sorry.. :(


New member
I picked up a standard a year ago. It really is a great rifle, especially for the price. I'd love to get a trigger job on mine. The only thing I wish was differnet is the barrel length. I'd love to get one with a shorter barrel.

I keep meaninf to sand down the barrel channel in the stock. It looks like it would be a quick free floating job.

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Gino, the FFL dealer I ordered it though is having a dying duck fit to glass mine. I'm still torn about scoping the rifle or staying with the iron sights. I may just get the American or Varmint version and scope that one.

The trigger looks very simple to tune. Have you had yours outof the stock yet?

Free floating the barrel looks easy as well. I may do this soon as I'm getting some interesting group shapes - non-round ones anyway. Still at about 150 rounds through the rifle, so no hard conclusions can be made on a sample of one..


New member
I've been wanting to check one out but I've been buying so many centerfire rifles that I just haven't allocated much money to one...

Guess it's time to...


New member
You are welcome,Gizmo. I hope the site helps you out. It did for me. I bought the 11mm to Weaver bases yesterday. I should be getting them after Thanksgiving. I am going to reinstall the rear sight and raise my scope up a bit so it will clear. What scope did you pick out for your 452? I went with a Swift 4x-12x 40mm AO. Very nice scope for what I paid for it.

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Nothing yet. If I get a scope for it, an AO is a requirement on a .22 IMHO. I'm still looking at/thinking about the Varmint model - that may be the one I get to scope.