CZ83 Vs Sphinx AT-380M


New member
I have decided to put a .380 ACP back into my collection (was my first handgun many years ago). I've narrowed it down to a CZ-83 which is NIB and a Sphinx AT-380M which is as new. Price between the two is $60. The searches I've done here at TFL and other sites give the Sphinx good reviews in 9mm and not so hot in 40 S&W. I have CZs in 32 ACP, 7.62x25 Tokarev, and 9MM and they are all great shooters. The last time I had this quandry was when I couldn't decide which 41 Mag I wanted and ended up getting both a S&W 657 and Ruger Blackhawk. The wife was totally PO'ed :confused: so I have to get only one this time. She will still be PO'ed just half as much :D


New member

I can only speak to the CZ 83 which I purchased last month. I've had this pistol to the range 4 times with about 1,000 rounds through it, all either Americal Eagle (which I like) or Magtech (which is ok). No JHP put through it yet. No failures to feed encountered, but the slide has failed to lock open on an empty mag about 4 times...all with the same mag.

Trigger is decent and the pistol is extremely accurate anywhere from 7 to 17 yards out (which is the limit of the indoor range where I've shot this pistol). Sights are decent and functioning has been flawless. The only downside I've encountered are the mags. There is a definite rattle when loaded greater than 7 rounds. These are the factory 10 round mags. I haven't picked up any 13 rounders yet to see if the rattle exists in them. This isn't an issue at the moment for me.

I don't think one could go wrong with a CZ 83.



New member
I prefer the Sphinx despite the fact it's DAO, it's my favorite .380 next to the P7K3.
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New member
I would go with the CZ-83,mine has been
reliable with fmj's and hp's
(corbons,golden sables and fed hs)real
accurate and you can carry the cz cocked
nd locked if you wish.the 13 round mags
don't rattle but i can't speak for the
10 rounders:cool:

Walt Sherrill

New member
The CZ-83 is a great little gun. But why not go for 9x18 (9mm Makarov). The ammo is readily available, a bit cheaper than .380, and a bit hotter. The CZ-83s can be had in 9mm Makarov...


New member
I've never tried the Sphinx, but my CZ-83 has been a reliable gun. I've never had a jam with it yet, and fired lots of different ammo through it.


Marko Kloos

New member
CZ-83s are good, dependable and well-made handguns. They can be carried cocked-and-locked, but they don't have a decocker, which some folks dislike. They carry very well thanks to their slim slides, and you can get original capacity 13-rounders for them at pre-ban prices. I'd recommend the CZ-83 to anyone looking for a good .380.