CZ75 jamming


New member
I have a CZ75B with an ejection problem. It has about 1000 rounds through it now. When I first got it, it worked perfect. It never jammed. It always fed and always extracted. Now lately it will fail to fully eject a spent case and then try to feed a new one while the spent case is sitting loose above the magazine. It extracts the empty from the chamber but then it gets dropped before it can be ejected. I’ve made sure the gun is clean, tried different ammo and different magazines and it still does it. You never know when it will happen. It is not consistent. Do you have any ideas? Could it need a new extractor? I just want it to be completely reliable like it used to be.


New member
Check to see if theres any carbon build up behind the extractor. CZs are famous for weak springs, may need one for the extractor.


New member
Change the magazine and recoil springs. it sounds like the recoil spring is weak and the slide is moving back TOO fast and then returning too fast for it to eject the empty case in time to load the next one from the magazine.

chris in va

New member
Ah yes, mine was doing the same thing.

I replaced:

Hammer spring
Extractor spring
New extractor from CZ
Mag spring

Didn't help. Still that partial ejection deal.

On a whim I hosed down the complicated guts of the gun with Powder Blast. Holy cow there was a LOT of junk in there. It took the better part of an hour for it to finally run semi-clear, and even then some particles were coming out.

Now I haven't had the chance to really put more than about 50 rounds of WWB through it, but so far I haven't had the gremlin pop up yet. At one point it was doing it every 3rd shot!

BTW if you use the stuff, TAKE THE GRIPS OFF FIRST. Trust me.


New member
Crud under the extractor claw, look and clean carefully. Maybe a weak extractr spring, as there was a short run of CZ-75 full size pistols that had not great springs there. If it needs official help, call Mike Eagleshield at 1-800-955-4486, and ask him.


New member
Thanks for all the responses. Usually when I post here it gets ignored real fast in favor of yet another thread about what is the greatest auto pistol ever or glock vs. ? or something like that. I actually replaced the recoil spring with a Wolff 16lb. spring and replaced the mag springs with Wolff springs. That is when this problem showed up. I put all the original springs back and the problem continued. I have already sent an email to Mike Eagleshield and am waiting to hear back. He has been very good to send out repair parts at no charge and no questions asked. I will wait to take the extractor apart to clean behind it until I get the new parts from CZ.


New member
E-mail and CZ

Don't mix well. They are known to not answer it - well known issue on the CZ forums. I'd call - they are happy to ship parts.


New member
I have that same problem with my CZ-75 (pre-B) after 600 rounds or so. It's always crud under the extractor.

I usually punch the extractor pivot pin out, pull the extractor, and clean it and the channel in which it pivots. It always restores the reliability.


New member
CZ knows of extractor spring problems on newer 75Bs

My 75B 9mm wouldn't extract/eject aluminum--fte every 5 rounds of 20 fired. The spent case would be just out of the bbl, cocked up about 30 degrees, and jammed against the next round in the mag.

I emailed CZ, described the problem, and three days later I received a new extractor spring in the mail. A business card from Mike Eagleshield was in the pkg. I replaced the spring, and it was noticeably stronger than the original. I fired 50 aluminum Blazers with no problems. It works, but I'm not shooting Blazer aluminum again.


New member
Mike Eagleshield at CZ promptly responded to my email and immediately shipped out an extractor, extra power extractor spring, and new recoil spring free of charge. Their service has always been exceptional for me. This will be the third time he has done this for me on various parts. I have never had a problem getting a response to my emails. CZ has a great product and excellent customer service.


New member
Yes I have put about 150 rounds through it without any failures. I removed the old extractor and it had alot of gunk under it. I thoroughly cleaned it and put a new extractor spring in and the old extractor and it has run fine so far. It was a very easy job to do. Took longer to clean it out than to replace the parts.
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chris in va

New member
Just noticed this thread again.

I've since bought a MecGar mag and noticed right away the spring tension is FAR stronger than on the factory 15rd that came with it, even after I put a Wolff 'extra power' spring in there.

Haven't fired it yet, but I suspect reliability issues will probably disappear. I'll post back after I hit the range...and empty my wallet for some 9mm.


New member
Does anyone know where to find instructions on removing the extractor and replacing the extractor spring on a CZ-75B? I'd like to put in a new spring as a precaution. Thanks.