cz75 disappointment


New member
I have thought ever since I bough my cz75b with polycoat finish that I would love a matte finish stainless(love a nice stainless pistol normally), but I have never been able to see one in person. I found one on gunbroker that was about an hour away the other night so this morning I drove to the shop and it did not wow me like I thought it would:(. Maybe it was because because the shop was a bunch of aholes who were anything but friendly they only seemed to give a crap about the local guys who they were bs'ing with. It really kind of bummed me out that the wow just was not there, on a brighter note I guess it will save me a little money since now I am thinking about the nickel finish as I have seen those and liked them. So now I am sitting here with 800 bucks in my pocket and no new pistol...I think I need a beer!


New member
I guess those guys at the shop have no intent of actually selling guns. To bad for them. A local shop has a nickle CZ75 and although I generally like blued or matte blued handguns, I have to say the nickle version of that CZ was really talking to me.


New member
Yeah, I have been in several shops like that as well. Too bad you passed on the pistol though, however if it didn't "wow" you, it is just as well.


New member
Most local guys that hang out in the gun shop and know the owner by name, generally drop some serious coin down on a regular basis. The owner was just focused on his best customers. I wouldn't take it personal, I've been both the local and the visitor guy.


New member
I have a question for the CZ crowd. What is the difference between the CZ75 compact and the P01 compact frame wise? The P01 seems to cost a little more but I have no idea what the differences (if any) are. Since this is a CZ thread i thought I'd post it here. Thanks.


New member
The compact is a steel framed pistol and the P01/PCR are both alloy and a lot lighter.

P01/PCR have a decocker and the compact has a safety instead of a decocker.

There are also some differences in metallurgy and production tolerances (P01's parts are supposed to be drop-in without fitting), but they should have little impact on the average civilian user.

The P01 has a tac rail, and the front area is accordingly a bit chunkier.

I think that is it. Did I miss anything?


New member
I just had my CZ75B refinished by Accurate Plating & Weaponry. When I ordered the gun in 2008, I thought it would come in the matte stainless version, but it arrived as a high polish, shiny stainless. I don't like shiny guns, but I thought that I'd get used to it. I was wrong. Anyway, AP&W applied a brushed, hard chrome to the gun that looks just like a factory brushed stainless. Cost me just a smidge over $200. I am completely pleased with the way that the gun looks now. This is the 2nd gun that they've hard chromed for me...they did a formerly parkerized Springfield 1911A1 for me about 15 years ago. Here's a pic of the CZ...variations in color are due to lighting.



New member
Most local guys that hang out in the gun shop and know the owner by name, generally drop some serious coin down on a regular basis. The owner was just focused on his best customers. I wouldn't take it personal, I've been both the local and the visitor guy.

Yup been there and done that too. I've learned that if I want really fast service there is a trick.

Grab your bank envelope full of cash, place it on the counter/showcase with your hand on top (so nobody jacks it) and start looking at the pistol you like.

Money talks and bs walks, works everytime. :)


New member

Just a quick comment. Couldn't you have had the gun lightly bead blasted to take the shine off rather than plate it?

Either way, you have a nice looking gun. I do not have any stainless CZs but do have an SP01 and a 97. Both are super shooters.

yep... the hard chrome looks nice... but I've also been wanting a polished stainless gun... started our CZ collection long ago, & not really being an auto guy, I haven't bought any new CZ's lately... I think I could see a polished stainless as my "one" new auto for 2011... the new Taurus TCP was my "one" new auto for 2010, an FN 5-Seven for 2009, & a Witness 10mm for 2008

Witness has that "Wonder" finish... a nice grey... the last 2 were both plastic, & are my only plastic guns... yep... I think polished stainless CZ-75 is in order for 2011

old jeff

New member
I picked up a Witness Target made around 2003 in 9mm last year from a friend in my club. It's ported with a match chamber, came with four mags, and shoots groups about the size of a golf ball at 15 yards. The trigger is great and I really like that Wonderfinish too!

Only one problem, because the barrel is ported, cast bullets leave a little bit of a mess to clean up.

BTW: Here's one that was at auction (no bids) that would have left lots of bucks for both beer and ammo ...