cz52 or pmr30????


New member
im almost up to my savings goal for toys, but im having a bit of indicision.

i cant decide weather i want a keltec pmr30, or a cz52 and 2 spam cans of ammo.

ive been wanting a cz52 for a few years now, but as soon as i saw the pmr30 i was wanting it.

ill have to order either i pick.

which would pick?

EK and KK in FM

New member
Kel Tec PMR30

Loved it the minute I saw it in a magazine.

I am a big fan of .22s, especially the .22 Magnum. Shoot competitively and my favorite is the Steel Challenge in which I use either a Browning Buckmark or sometimes my old (very old) Hi Standard Sport King Model 103.

But the thought of 30 rounds of .22 Magnum in a lightweight pistol made me go right to my dealer who has guaranteed me that I will get the first one he gets once they start shipping.

Can't wait!


New member
Both cool guns, but I'd go for the CZ. It'll be less money, and ammo will be cheaper. Then get the pmr after its been out a couple years and the prices are low. Any recalls or issues would also be more likely to have been handled. The cz's aren't being made anymore, so if you find a clean one, get it. I've got one on lay-away right now. Hopefully I'll get the time and funds to pick it up soon. Have fun lookin for a new pistol.

chris in va

New member
Wouldn't pick the CZ 52, thats for darn sure. Had one, probably the worst gun I've ever owned. If you're dead set on the x25 cartridge, look at a Tokarev instead.


New member
CZ 52 & keep saving for the PMR30 That way you will have a great pistol, and maybe by the time you save up enough again for the Kel-Tec they will actually be in the shops!
I hace a 52, along with a Romanian TT33, Polish TT33, and Yugo M57. I like shooting all of them, but that knife blade thin trigger on the Tokarevs start to bother me after 50-75 rounds. The CZ trigger is much more comfortable.


New member
Only drawback on the CZ52, grab a 2x4 in your hand and you will know what the grip feels like. That PMR30 is the ugliest handgun ever made, but for some reason I really want one bad.:rolleyes: