CZ40 questions

Andrew Wyatt

New member
my dad's looking at a CZ40 as his next purchase. (he determined it's time to buy both a CZ and a .40, and the CZ40 fits the bill)

Do CZ 75 magazines work in it?

what is the fieldstripping procedure?

We're mostly 1911 guys, and are kinda new to this whole "double stack double action thing".

Bob C

New member
The CZ40 is a D/A pistol which can be carried cocked and locked, and with a grip frame similar to a 1911.

Mine is accurate, 100% reliable, and generally a lot of gun for the money.

I don't know whether the CZ75 mags fit or not. The EAA Witness do according to some, but did not when I tried them. CZ 40 mags are available from CZ USA, or from CDNN.

For a lot more more info, go to:


New member
The '40B doesn't exactly fieldstrip intuitively:

Remove the magazine and, line up the red dot for the safety with the dot on the slide (just before the serations). Push the slidestop out with something pointy. I use the tip of a phillips screwdriver that I keep in my cleaning kit. Remove slide.

To reassemble, slide the slide onto the rails, line up the two vertical lines on the slide and frame, insert the slide stop as far as it will go then align the two dots again, and push the slide stop in the rest of the way.

IIRC, I believe CZ-75 40S&W mags will work, but the base plate on the CZ-40 mags are a bit fatter so there will be a little gap between the bottom of the grip frame and the mag. CZ-40 mags won't fit in a CZ-75 for the same reason. Of course, you could swap base plates and then they will interchange.

The .40 is approximately "Colt Commander" sized and shaped, but really has nothing in common with the 1911 except that Colt had some influence in it's conception. Even the grip frame angle is slightly different than a 1911's if you compare them side by side.

Internally, it's clearly a CZ-75 based design. It's a great pistol and I love mine!

CZ Gunner

New member
The CZ 40 is a GREAT piece, especially for the price.

Designed as a joint effort between Colt and CZ in an effort to get LEO business. Colt later backed out of the deal after a few hundred of the Colt Z-40's were made. The few that were made start at over twice or three times that IF you can even find one.

Design, quality, and value all are first rate. Accuracy in mine is very good out to 25-yards.

DMK is right on with the field stripping instructions. I would stick to CZ 40 mags (Colt Z 40's can sometimes be found cheap ... I got some SS ones a while back for $5.00 each on a tip posted at )

Note: There is an entire section on the CZ 40 on check it out!

Worth the money in my opinion ...

Andrew Wyatt

New member
thanks for the replies. Dad went out and bought one, and as soon as we get out and shoot it, a T&E will be forthcoming.

Do they fit in any 1911 holsters?


New member
The CZ 40 will not fit a 1911-style holster: it's too wide. At least, mine will not fit an old pancake holster I have for my 1911. As to mags, yes, the CZ 75B .40 mags will fit the CZ 40, however the CZ 40 mags will not fit in the CZ 75B. The base plate is too thick.

Do visit the CZ forum at:


Eric Larsen

New member
You dad will love it.....let us know..check out the CZForum at the links above...since TFL is no longer.

The CZ40 wont fit in a 1911 holster because its not a will fit CZ holsters....because its a CZ.....sorry...couldnt resist :D

Shoot well


New member
to mags, yes, the CZ 75B .40 mags will fit the CZ 40, however the CZ 40 mags will not fit in the CZ 75B. The base plate is too thick.
I'm not going to say "told ya so" but... :D

For a holster, I use a really cool Don Hume Belt Slide holster for my CZ40 (mine's black though). As an added benefit, it works for my '75 also.


CZ Gunner

New member
DMK ...

Nice wood on that CZ 40, where did you come by it at?

BTW, when I bought my CZ 40, there was a special deal going on where it came with a Don Hume Belt Slide holster at no extra charge. (I think I paid $285 for mine a year ago NIB w/ holster.)



New member
Did you happen to get your CZ at ?

That's where I got the grips and they sell the above as a package. Actually, that's their pic above, I just wanted to show the holster.

Here's mine, I got it from a local shop and added the grips later:



New member
I'm looking for a CZ 40B holster

:eek: I'd like to find a CZ 40B holster.
Do they make a holster that is not custom made?
But at the same time I don't one that will fit like an old sock.