CZ SP-01 Shadow Target Review

I've had this gun for awhile now, but I finally took some pictures of targets after a range session. I fired 20rnds through at rapid fire to get the barrel warm, then began at 10yds firing semi-rapid fire (1 shot per second) at small precision targets. All shots were fired off-hand with cheap federal ammunition. My first group can be found below.


I then moved out to 15yds and did the same but with only 5 rounds. That grouping can be seen below. As you can see, not much change.


Then I sent the target all the way out (22.5yds). Here, my grouping spread significantly. This is probably more because I had trouble seeing the target.


remember that these groupings were achieved by an amateur. in the hands of a better shooter, i'm sure it would do better.



New member
Nice! The SP-01 is on my short list.

Next time you go to the range try shooting from a rest and get an idea of where the POA/POI is. Once you get it figured out from a rest it will be much easier to place the bullet where you want it.

Keep practicing, your groups will tighten up with trigger time.

Hey, it works for me :D


New member
You did pretty darn good for an amateur ;).

I always wanted to try one of the more target oriented CZs. They are like ghosts where I live.