CZ Question


New member
Does anybody have any comments about the CZ P-O1. I held one today and it felt great in my hand. Would have walked out with it had I had the cash. I dont know much about CZ, and would like to know if they are dependable. Thanks.


New member
The CZ P-01 was designed to meet NATO specs and went through an extremely rigorous set of tests to meet the NATO standards. It is an excellent weapon in all respects. I have had one for about a year now and have put approximately 1000 rounds through it with absolutely no problems of any kind. I suggest that you take a look at the CZ forum and ask around over there A lot of real experts over there who would be pleased to answer your questions.


Love the P01

I picked one up 3 weeks ago. 500 rounds later all I can say is that I love it. It fits my hand perfectly. Sometimes the triggers are a little long and gritty out of the box but a dremel or a lot of dry firing takes care of it. I am just waiting for my holster to arrive and then on to my hip it goes.



Do you dry fire with or without snap caps? My CZ85 came with snap caps and I understand you don't want to dry fire them, as it's hard on the firing pin. Anyone know which CZs are ok to dry fire and which are not?


All CZ's come with snap caps. They are not very robust. I use pachmayr's in mine. The pachmayrs protect the firing pin. All CZs are okay to dry fire with snap caps.

The P01 is NATO certified and had to pass these standards.

Must be able to complete the following without failure:

4000 dry firings
3000 De-cockings
Operator level disassembly 1350 times with out ware or damage to components.
Complete disassembly 150 times, this is all the way down, pins, springs etc.

100% interchangability, any number of pistols randomly selected, disassembled, parts mixed and reassembled with no failures of any kind including loss of accuracy.
