CZ P-10c.... Bust.


New member
I'm a huge CZ fanboy and was eagerly anticipating the release of a NY compliant version of the new P-10c. Got the email notification that they were (finally) in stock at an online retailer and bought one less than 30 seconds later.

Well, brought it out to shoot yesterday and was very disappointed by a few HUGE glaring issues:

1. The trigger "safety" lever (ala Glock) was much too "safe". Meaning that I had to adjust my finger position down to the lower extremity of the trigger in order to get the trigger to actually depress. Even when doing it consciously, I had several instances when the trigger would hang up momentarily, before popping back and firing the gun. Not good.

2. The mag release is SO stiff, I could not engage the release without adjusting my grip on the gun. And I'm a large, 30 year old male who works with his hands a lot, this is not a weak hands issue. This is a gun issue.

Here are my questions:

- Have any of you experienced this too? Is this endemic to this gun, or did I just get a bad one?
- Can I expect these issues to resolve over time as the gun "breaks in"? As an aside to that, to expect a "break in" period on a modern polymer pistol is lame. If CZ wants to compete with Glock... this kind of stuff is unacceptable.
- Does anyone want to buy a (barely used) CZ P10c?

Haha, thanks guys. Look forward to hearing your responses.


New member
Sorry to hear of your issues. I’m a fan of CZ steel pistols, but haven’t been won over by their polymer pistols. In addition to Glocks, I believe the newer Beretta APX, and FN-509 to be more attractive polymer pistols of the type. Good luck.

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New member
I’ve owned every polymer framed striker fired pistol except the Ruger American and FN 509 (I did own the SR9 and FNS). I really like the P10-c. Now that said, I think it’s a design that still has evolution to go. “But Glocks are already great!” I agree but they’re also on Gen 5 and that pistol has essentially been in production for decades.

As for the trigger safety, I think I still have a thread somewhere on this. I had an issue where the safety would rub the frame, unless I changed my trigger finger position to the bottom of the trigger like you. I tried shaving the back of the safety, it worked but I wasn’t happy with the result. I then tried an HB Industries trigger. This was better but still didn’t remedy the issue. I found the problem was actually excess flashing on the frame that the trigger safety was rubbing on. I took a fine file and with the trigger mechanism pulled out did a few passes on this area. Cleaned it right up.

My magazine release was also stiff but not as stiff as some others. I have found it got much better with use. YMMV.

Is this acceptable? I leave that up to you. I’m pretty happy with the pistol on the accuracy standpoint. I can get groups on the same level as a PPQ by I find the lower bore axis makes it better for rapid fire strings than the PPQ. I also find the ergos of the pistol fit me extremely well. But that’s going to vary by the shooter. Idk if NY requires triggers to be heavier or whatnot but if so the pistol would be a bit of a waste.

Would I buy it again? Eh, idk. Honestly I think it needs a year or two to work out what I see as bugs as well as some QC issues. Frankly this isn’t different than a number of pistols that came out in recent years and to me nothing on the P10-c is show stopping. At the same time, it’s not a Renaissance pistol. It’s a polymer framed striker fired pistol. Nothing to me is revolutionary any more, just evolutionary. Whether the evolution is worth it I leave up to you

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New member
I just pick up a P10c yesterday, haven't gotten it to the range yet. I became very interested in the pistol after watching some of MAC's reviews, among others. But just playing with it, I agree the magazine release was stiff, but I don't think it was unbearable. I also didn't come across the magazine release issue some others have reported, but I haven't tried it with a full magazine yet, so that may change. I'm excited for this pistol and at under $500, I was thrilled with the price.
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New member
If I had the money I'd buy it from you. :) I agree - the mag release was a stiff as a life sentence with a full magazine, but much easier with an empty one. After many rounds it has loosened up quite a bit, same as the slide release, which was also very stiff at first. I also did a lot of "dry fire" with the mag release watching TV. I find the trigger safety isn't as comfortable as I'd like, but I got used to it pretty quick. The infamous sliding slide cover issue is being worked on by CZ right now, which I gather you did not experience, as it really seems to be restricted to a small number of the guns.
I am wondering what long term changes might be coming down the pike, no real info on what might be happening, but CZ has been handling customer service requests for this pistol in very good time frames, as far as I've been told.
I like mine, which I honestly didn't really expect, and it is a daily carry for me.


Should have bought a CZ75 Compact..much better pistol for carry use... A plastic striker gun is just that...a plastic striker gun just like the hordes of other plastic guns....just my opinion...