CZ is happy.


New member
Today was my pickup day for the Ruger GP 100. I haven't shot it yet, but I've been dry firing it with snap caps. The double action trigger is SUPER SMOOTH and reasonably light for a Ruger. In fact, its nearly as good as my S&W 686 Plus! I'm frankly shocked, because my other GP 100 has a very heavy and rough double action trigger, and my SP 101 has a heavy (but somewhat smooth) DA trigger. This NEW GP 100 has an excellent out-of-the-box trigger. SA trigger is also very good (very light with slight hesitation before breaking). I knew that this one had a good trigger when I first examined it before buying it, but when I actually put it side by side today with my S&W and discovered that its actually nearly as light and smooth as my 686 Plus I became very happy. :)

Now, hopefully the GP it will shoot as good as it feels and I be very happy (my other Rugers shoot great, so I'm confident that this was an excellent purchase) .