cz full length guide rod troubles

i was tearing apart my new sp-01 shadow yesterday. unlike my old 75b, it has the full length ss guide rod. really cool, but it is a BEAR to get out and put back in! does anyone have any tricks?

Walt Sherrill

New member
I've got an AT-84s (a very nice clone of the original CZ-75) and I DREAD having to take that thing apart. I've even resorted to using vice grips on the guide rod -- properly padded to keep from scratching it -- a couple of times. (The rest of my 9mm CZs have the shorter guide rod.)

I use a Boresnake more often, because of the difficulty in taking it down.

Of course, all of this is made worse if you have an extra-strength recoil spring. Do you?
i have whatever spring the custom shop put in. i posted the same question on the cz forum, and they suggested using a straw to help line up the rod. i'm going to try it tonight.