cz custom shop - SA Target or SP-01 Shadow Target?

Ok guys, I need some help. I know both are awesome, and both would be incredible to own, but I can just afford one right now. Which one should I get? I plan on making a purchase this afternoon, so make your arguments quickly! SA Target or SP-01 Shadow Target? If anyone has actual experience with one or both, I would love your input.

This will be purely for target shooting. The only reason I am considering the SA model over the SP-01 is because of the flat trigger. The one complaint I have on my stock 75b is the trigger. It pinches my finger at the bottom. My finger just doesn't want to stay in the middle of the trigger. It always drifts to the bottom.


New member
The only reason I can think of NOT to get the SA is that it is a poor fit for IDPA/USPSA.

If you don't care about that, and you prefer the trigger...


New member
I was in the same boat earlier this year, wanted a target 9mm to run against my Brother's 952's and ended up with a SP-01 Shadow Target Custom Duo Tone when the CZ Custom Shop had them on special. I could not be happier, the gun is actually boring- runs like a sewing machine and accuracy puts a smile on my face everytime I take it out.
I think you will be pleased with anything from the CZ Custom Shop, their trigger work is amazing.


New member
interesting. does it have any custom shop trigger work?
It has the competition hammer for starters. I have a 75sa with the competition hammer and I have an sp-01 shadow that I made single action only. Both have xlnt triggers. The gun I gave the link for should be a really nice pistol.
i went to my lgs during my lunch break. it turns out they had the duo tone model, not black one that i wanted. it was a helpful trip tho. it told me that i love the trigger on the sp-01 and hate the aluminum grips that are on the sa target. i'm leaning heavily towards the sp-01 shadow target now.