Cz 97?


New member
I was toying around the other day and all of a sudden I got the urge to buy a new gun. I guess sort of a going away present to myself for deploying to Iraq, not to mention I'll have something to look forward to coming home to.

Anyhow, I have been in search far and wide for what I want in a pistol. I was begginning to think that I would have a hard time (actually I was right, there aren't that many DA/SA double-stack .45s). I have of course combed the internet in search of what I want, and I have settled on the CZ 97 as being the perfect gun for my mood right now. Not looking to cc it, just as a truck/range gun and a secondary during contract work.

Everyone here seems to be in love with CZs, so I don't think I'll have to worry about accuracy and reliability. I've heard too many good things about them. I was looking for something I didn't have to drop a grand on either. Well, it appears that I have found a CZ97 brand new for 430 dollars. There will be no tax (it's at the PX), no shipping or anything (biggest reason why I don't buy off of the internet).

Spider sense is telling me to quit being a tight-wad and buy the darn thing, but it's pushing the limit of what I can afford at the moment. Anyhoo, can anyone think of a reason not to get it?


New member
Try before you buy. It's one BIG freakin' gun. You may find it uncomfortable if your hands are not large.


New member
If you really want one, you better get the one at the PX. That is an excellent price and they usually go for around $550 to $600. You will probably end up paying more later if you don't buy the one for $430.

I found an RSR special [duel tone and satin nickle ones] at a gun show for $499 out the door. Even with tax the price was too good to pass up so I quickly bought it. I later found out that there are only a total of 120 CZ97,s in those two finishes and there won't be anymore.

I don't think you will regret buying it. I have average size hands and I don't have any problem with the grip. they are accurate and the recoil is mild but they don't feed hollow points well.


Try polishing the feed ramp lightly with a dremel and polishing compound. For a gun that was designed for hardball, it adapts well.