CZ 97 vs Springfield mil spec


New member
Say you are a GI heading over to give Saddam his come-uppins (or any other bad guy for that matter) which would you rather have as your sidearm. No mods and no special ammo, just straight from the factory. My next purchase is probably going to be between these two.


New member
Since the military uses FMJ ball, I'll take the CZ97B.

This is a potential 50 yard pistol. Accuracy is phenomenal, and its so easy to shoot quickly (recoil is very minimal).

The CZ97B does have trouble feeding some hollowpoints, but thats mute cause the military doens't use hollowpoints as far as I understand it. If feeding hollowpoints was a criteria though, in that case I take the Springfield.

I think the Springfield is a good pistol, but its not in the same league shooting wise as the CZ 97B, IMO at least.


New member
If the OAL is too short, the round may hang. Frankly, I've never had that problem with Speer, Federal, Remington, or Winchester HP ammo. Most commercial ammo seems to be ok. Might want to watch out for stuff from Bubba's Shootin' Shack.

Eric Larsen

New member
From what Ive seen the 97 isnt as finicky as some say..but thats just a couple of guns. Most 97's will feed just about anything..while longer than "standard" OAL bullets may give them problems. This can really happen to any gun in any caliber.

For me...Id take the 97. Ive seen 3 Springfields sent back for accuracy problems in the past 6 months.....which is concerning to me. When returned they had new barrels etc and were shooting like they should. One was a very high end gun.

Shoot well


New member
straight out of the box id probably go with the cz97 as my springfeild did have to have some work to be reliable but if i were going to see saddam id love to have an m16 in my hands as well:D


New member
Neither, because if anything breaks you can't fix it and the ammo isn't stocked in the logistical system. The M1911A1 clones have sacrificed field reliability for accuracy. The military spec for accuracy is 7.9" at 25 yards, but the military M1911A1's would function despite being horribly dirty and even rusty.

The Army cracks down periodically on POW's - personally owned weapons. The only ones I've heard about lately are SIG's and Berettas, which are both in the supply system.


New member
CZ-97B, of course! (I just bought one yesterday).

Springfields are top-notch guns and a pleasure to behold (I almost got me a Trophy Match once.) But the 97 has recently pulled ahead in the .45 race. Check out the reviews at and You'll be impressed. :cool:

Feeding problems? No more than any other CZ model (or 1911, for that matter).

CZ Gunner

New member
Don't have a Springfield, do have a CZ 97.

Great gun, accurate, well made, reliable.

Be sure to take plenty of mags with you and test them before you go. That's the only problem I've had with mine (finding reliable replacement ones). And,

be sure to "try it on" before you buy it .. they're are very large guns and don't fit everyone.

Final note: Holsters are tough to find for them ... so check out that side of things too.

For more info on the CZ 97, check out ... entire section just on the '97

Lock and load!


Peter M. Eick

New member
I have had problems with my 97b that were ammo related. The key lesson is do not load the ammo long. Nothing over 1.272 will work well. It gets tied up in the magazine and on the feedramp. Keep it less then 1.272, mine will feed anything, including swc's.


New member
One vote for the Springfield..........Have 2........1911-A1 and a loaded compact.........great guns......
I'd have to say I like the CZ97 better of the two; but it is a close call.

Nothing beats a 1911 trigger and the 1911 has a much more ergonomic grip than the CZ. The CZ97 has the great lines of the CZ75 but that fat little .45 round makes it a bit thick for my liking. Which is another thing the 1911 has over the CZ, the CZ is a large sidearm. It isn't quite Mk23 or Desert Eagle territory but it is a good-sized pistol that makes a 1911 look small.

On the other hand, the CZ is a sharp-looking, reliable, accurate pistol out of the box and very soft recoiling. In .45, I do my fastest splits with a CZ97.