Cz 83 ???


New member
I was in the local gun store today (Dave's Guns in Denver) with the idea
of trying on some 9mm's to replace my Taurus 92. The Taurus has never been a favorite, although for no really good reason. It eats everything, is fairly accurate and didn't cost a lot. Anyway, I tried out a CZ 75 to see if they were as nice as everyone seems to think, but the trigger felt just like my Taurus. Not bad but not really great either. Too much creep just before it broke. The salesman then handed me a CZ83. Man, the trigger was about half the 75 with almost no creep. It was in another league. Now the question. The 83 comes in .380 or 9mm Mak. Which would you get? I'm leaning toward the Mak. I currently have neither, just 9mm and .32. I was going to pick up a Bug Mak if and when the next shipment comes in, is the CZ worth more than twice a Mak? The trigger sure was sweet. Thanks.


Chop Farwood

New member
CZ83 in Makarov caliber are no longer being imported. If your dealer has one, grab it. Loads of good ammo at dirt cheap prices. My Dad has a CZ83, very sweet shooting little pistol. I plan one soon for myself. And in my opinion, yes, the CZ is worth twice the price of a Makarov. The Mak is no slouch, but the CZ is a notch above in fit & finish.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. The Maks are great guns, but I do think the CZs are quite a bit smoother and have a better finish...if this is important to you.
The DA trigger is long, but very smooth and not heavy. In the examples I've shot, the SA is generally light and crisp. I've never seen one malfunction and the sights are generally very well regulated out of the box. They are more visible than those of the Makarov. The CZ will also allow for cocked and locked carry should you so desire and even with the 10 round magazine, does hold a couple of more rounds.

The CZ has great warranty and service support via CZ-USA.


Eric Larsen

New member
Ok...where do I start? :D Ive had both the Mak and .380 83's.
My first was the .380...I ran across some Hi caps 13 rnd capacity and went to town. It was my favorite gun...still has a great big place in my heart. The second week I had it, I went to a local range and had it stuck in a ransum (spelling?) grouped 1.900" at 25 yds, with 5 shots of Silvertips. 3rd best gun that night...alot of Sig, Glock and custom 1911 guys were sure looking at the pocket gun that out shot their own. It was pretty cool.
In a nutshell, its the best small caliber gun made..some may think Im jaded but hear me out. Small enough to conceal well, has a natural balance and pointability that has to be felt to be understood fully, great great trigger (best?), great sights, in 2 guns and over 5000 rnds not one failure..gun related PERIOD!
Honestly there is alot to say and all is good. Its slightly bigger than an FEG or Bersa and holds 2 times the rounds. You will not find a better compares with the Python triggers of old.
Fully ambi controls...even the mag release goes both ways.
The Mak was a nickel version and was a shooter as well, probably not as accurate outa the box as the .380 but pretty close. I will have another before 2 long. My little shooter Jesse, was and still is pissed off at me for getting rid of them...hes right.
Even at 300$+ there a pretty good deal. Honestly you will not find a little gun that is better than the 83...Ive owned a BDA, shot Bersa's, FEG's, Walthers, Beretta's....could fill a small room with the .380 ammo burned up and Ill take the 83 everytime.
If Mak ammo is available in your area for cheap...get the Mak. If not get the wont regret it.

Shoot well


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New member
CZ 83

I second the last post 100%. I have Glocks, Kimbers, Colts and others, and I carry the CZ 83 more often. It is so "shootable" because of the smooth trigger, because it is a natural "pointer" and it is more accurate than most premium handguns. The CZ 83 was new, and fully lubed, so I went to the range and fired some reloads that was prepared for my Colt pocketlite, guess what, the first two groups of five, was inside one inch, fired indoors at 15 yards. It is the best pocket gun, bar none.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. Here's a picture in which you can easily compare the sizes of the two pistols in question.
The Makarov is a new, commercial Bulgarian with the "Beast" slide. That's mere a new Bulgarian slide fitted with Novak sights and matte blued.




New member
You guys got me drooling, now. Went a week ago Friday and plunked down my cash on a NIB pre-ban, pre-CZ-USA 83 in .380 that came with one 13-rounder. Just sent my money order off to a fellow who's got a couple more pre-ban 13-rounders he'll soon be sending my way.

Now I'm just waiting for my paperwork to come back so I can pick 'er up... probably Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

I bought a new 85B a month ago sight unseen based on what I'd read online here and at the czforum. It's the nicest 9 I've ever shot. Looks like I've scored again.

Come on Tuesday :D


New member
Yikes, you don't actually BUY at Dave's do you?! I've been in there a couple of times and their sticker prices are heart attack-inducing. The Firing Line has better prices, they're just a few minutes drive from where Dave's is. If you live more centrally or to the SW, try Gunworks (who usually have quite a few CZ's).


New member
Oops, my CZ83 compares to my P232SL (stainless) roughly as follows: it is about 5 ounces heavier loaded with 10+1 compared to the Sig at 8+1 (31 ounces to 26 ounces). It is just a wee bit longer at 6.8 inches versus 6.6 inches. It is taller by almost 1/2 inch (5.0 inches versus 4.7 inches). The grip is thicker by roughly .2 inches, approx 1.2 versus 1.0 or thereabouts. I love my CZ83 because of what a great pistol it is but petite for a .380 it is not. It is extremely shootable, accurate, smooth, and reliable however. It is also as big as a number of small 9mm pistols. It does however eat hot loaded .380s like Corbon like candy so it is no slouch, pushing a 90 grain bullet at upwards of 1100 fps. Just today a CZ fanatic friend of mine and a gunsmith was claiming the 83 is not much heavier than a stainless 232 but he is just wrong and my handy kitchen scale proves it. An alloy 232 would be nearly 10 ounces lighter, loaded weight, than a CZ83 and smaller in every dimension. Be that as it may, my 83 is not for sale. <g>.

Eric Larsen

New member
Great comparison. Ive got a sec and I fetish for .380's or used to, I just stashed it somewhere for a while. When I found out about the .380, the Browning BDA was the KING. Beauty in everyway. The nickel guns have a finish that still makes want another one. Accuracy, trigger, sights, capacity ...everything was great. I've shot Sig 230's and later the "massively revised :D" 232. They are great guns also, slick in every way but had FTF's occasionaly in most that I shot. FEG's, the PMK and SMC guns are a diamond in the rough IMO. The PMK is my fav..the real PMK has a longer grip and the short SMC barrel..FEG is now saying the long barrelled guns are PMK's also :confused: They functioned as well or better than the Sigs did...triggers need major help but can be fixed. Great little guns for the money. The Bersa is between the FEG and Sig IMO, great little shooters. You get the dependability of the FEG with more refinement. Less style than the Sig but more reliability. Both the Sig and Bersa are not as heavily built as the FEG/CZ/BDA..and others.
The Beretta is just a madeover BDA or vise versa...I like the BDA style better. Anyhow the 84's are great guns...the largest .380 Ive played with.
All in all, I like the balance these guns give you in feel, size, capacity etc and are a great little b/a gun/caliber or even a sometimes low level main carry.
Now the 83...aaaahhhhhh. Ya Im biased and admit it freely.
I think its the S*%T, really. I just looks different..kinda strange at first but the lines grow on ya...WAY BAD if you play with one in person. You think thats a comfy gun...balanced wonderfully (better fully loaded) and then you pull the trigger...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?:cool: Better on older production guns but the new ones are still that good. You get it and get it home. Instructions..bla bla..ok lets see what it looks like on the inside? Lots o parts and well made...little machining marks..heavily built and such. Ok, time to shoot it. You buy whatever .380 is the cheapest or is ammo. The mags are like 1 ton truck springs the first time you load them....holy crap! (They loosen alot in a short time) Ok, run a target out to 15 yds or so...sight in...hey nice sight picture and good visibility. Boom..theres that trigger again...d/a or s/a doesnt matter. It shoots right at POA...Cool.
You run the whole magazine thru it and pull your target in...
2" or close...easily done with the little monster. You think...Ok, I did good bringing this home...CZ? hmmmmmmmm
The gun was built/designed on a Makarov round and built to take it forever. Its still the side arm of the Czech military as far as I know. They carry the 82/Makarov or first version of the 83. The .380 gun will take +P ammo for eternity and never have a gun related failure, IMO. From what Ive read, seen and shot..Its the most dependable gun made or one of them. The trigger just gets better with time ...polishing the feed ramp is the only thing I ever wanted to do to mine...kinda for the hell of it. They carry well being thin enough to hide, be a natural extention of your arm when you need it to be and holds 14 rounds of good defensive ammo. Not too bad for a little Czech gun thats not to well known. Thats my ramble for the night..makes me kick myself for selling the little least Ive got my PCR..
Shoot well


New member
Well, I wouldn't buy at Dave's prices but I save my heart attacks for the Springs stores, even higher. I live half way between, I'll check out the two you mentioned.
