CZ-75B vs. CZ-75BD

Contrast Man

New member
Hello all,

Super simple question that I'm really looking for a bit of personal experience on. I'm looking to buy a CZ-75B but lo-and behold, it seems like they've completely disappeared from the planet. No one has them online and the 2 LGS I've been to don't have any in stock and couldn't tell me when they might have any in. The BD's seem to be abundant and going for the same price so I figure, why not just go with a BD. My question is that is there any difference in the two models apart from the manual safety (B) and decocker (BD)?



New member
As far as I know, that's the only difference. The big difference being that I'm not sure if you can carry the BD cocked and locked. I actually prefer the BD because I'm not a fan of cocked-and-locked carry (not going to say it's less safe or any sweeping generalizations, I'm just not personally comfortable with it).


New member
That's pretty much it,,,

I have the plain 75B,,,
My buddy has the 75-BD,,,
There are no other differences.

To tell the truth if I had it to do over again I would have purchased the 75-BD.

Funny you're having trouble finding one though,,,
A friend of mine just ordered and received a 75-B through the Evil Pawn Shop.




New member
Yes, that is the only difference ... I personally don't trust decockers so guns with this feature do not have any extra appeal to me. So it boils down to personal preferences. :)
The CZ with manual safety at least gives me a choice to carry in condition one, decocker variant does not.


New member
Both model 75Bs are the exact same except for the decocker (BD)...
And it's all a matter of your preference. I like decockers and try to get all my CZs with one.
CZCustom has both in stock for about $460 shipped...


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chris in va

New member
I've had my BD since 2004. For years I was a diehard proponent of decockers.

I finally got my dream gun last year, a 97b...which has a safety. I soon realized that a SA first shot improved my competition scores, and I started training for C&L carry.

I now realize the B model is more versatile. Carry it hammer down or in SA mode. All you have to do is carefully lower the hammer.

BTW the BD model has more complicated internals, so a trigger job is more involved.

Some day I'd love to have a polished stainless 75b, the ONLY gun i would ever sell my BD for.


New member
The BD's saftey/decocker lever is different and I don't likt its location in comparison to the B from what i've seen in pics..

also looking for a 75b... its been a challange

Contrast Man

New member
Thanks for the clarifications everyone. I've always been a manual safety kind of guy but if there's no other differences, I might just go with the BD. It would be a range toy, nothing more so either the safety or decocker don't matter a whole lot, just more used to the 1911 style of arms.

UZO, Thanks for the info about, although it appears they don't have any 75B's in stock either! This is getting slightly ridiculous.

Called the LGS to see what they could do about ordering one for me. They said it might take a few weeks, but they could get one for me. Catch is, their price is $599. It's a great gun, but I can't rationalize paying that much for it.

Contrast Man

New member
Yes, for the regular black 75B. I was a bit speechless when I heard that. Then there's tax (which is roughly 10% in Chicagoland) and you're close to the $650 mark for something that could be had for $200 less!


New member
The $599 price for a 75B would be too steep for me...
Be patient, you'll be able to get one for under $500.
Ask CZCustom when they expect some more in...
Also can check GUNBROKER, they usually have some NIB for sale...
But remember, this is still a great gun at a very attractive price, so they're in demand.

Contrast Man

New member
Gunbroker's a good idea, I'll have to check it out. I sent CZcustom an email requesting when they'll get more in, just a waiting game. I took the time to decide on the 75, might as well take the time in getting the exact model I want.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Yes, that is the only difference ... I personally don't trust decockers so guns with this feature do not have any extra appeal to me. So it boils down to personal preferences.

I don't like decockers either, but it's not a safety concern -- as any gun equipped with a firing pin block (the CZ is) AND a decocker should be safe, even if the decocker somehow fails.

(The firing pin safety models need to have the trigger pulled before the firing pin or striker can be released.)


New member
There is a used 75B for a little over 4 in a gunstore in Ohio called Fin,Feather and Fur Outfitters. I didn't handle it, but it did not look beat up. They are a reasonably reputable place to do business with. So if you are really interested, do a Google search, find them and give them a call. They are in Ashland Ohio


New member
I own the B and have no regrets or complaints except that if you want DA first shot then you have to manually lower the hammer with a round chambered. But my wife loves the feel of it, I love the feel of it and it's an outstanding value. I don't think you can go wrong either way