CZ-75b for IDPA???


New member
I would really like to get into IDPA shooting. After watching an IDPA match in the stock service division, it seems that glocks rule the field w/ some DA guns (beretta, Sig, and HK) making an appearance. I currently own a CZ-75bd and love the way it shoots. But I was told that I wouldn't do as well w/ it because it doesn't have magazines that fall free from the gun and I would lose time having to manipulate the magazines to eject. And if I mod the gun so that the mags fall free, I would no longer be able to use the gun in the stock service division because the gun would have been modified beyond IDPA rules. Is this true??? If so, what would be a good gun to get for IDPA, a glock 17?? Thanks in advance.


New member
Meat, my understanding of the rules is that you are allowed to make modifications to the gun that help function, reliability, or accuracy. The rules against mods are for things like huge mag releases, giant mag funnels, or other gamey type things.

There is no rule against dropping the mag safety out of a Browning Hi-power to improve the trigger pull. So I don't think there would be a rule problem for taking the mag brake out of a CZ.

And you can hang in there with a CZ just fine. Use what ever you are used to. I see no disadvantage to the CZ vs. a Glock in IDPA.


New member

just go shoot it and see what you think. Most clubs give you your 1st shoot free (as in no IDPA dues) anyway, so you've got nothing to lose.

If you hate it you can always change, but IDPA is supposed to be about using YOUR carry gun.


Jim Watson

New member
I shoot a CZ75 in IDPA. I hammered the magazine retainer flat very early on. Call it reliability work. Or order the flat filler piece from CZ-USA. Don't just leave it out, the mag will then snag on the grip screw bosses on the frame. Don't discuss it, don't ask permission, just shoot. There are range tyrants out there who just like to enforce their version of the rules.


My understanding is that the mag brake is there for military use. An extra second is not as important as keeping the mag.

Honestly, no one is going to notice the modification unless you tell them. Jim is right on. My guess is that everyone else has already done it, and few judges would know any better.

This is a VERY common modification on these guns. Most people eventually do it, even if they are not invloved in formal competition. Personally, I like the mag brake, and the lack of one on the 75B SA rather disconcerts me. If hi-caps didn't cost so much, I doubt that I would want it. Since you are limited to 10 in IDPA, it's no big deal at all.


New member
Is there a Stock CZ modification or part to replace the standard Mag release? Will the CZ-85 combat mag realease (that allows for drop free operation) work on the Cz-75?


The CZ 75B SA and CZ 85 Combat have a differently shaped mag brake (err, whatever you then call it). You can order it from CZ-USA. You can also flatten the existing mag brake to allow drop-free. As someone else mentioned, do not remove it. One or the other part is important for correct fitting of the mag. Swapping out the parts should take seconds, provided you have something to drift the pins.

Standard 85Bs do not have the drop-free feature according to the specs in the 2002 catalog.


New member
I use my CZ 75B in ESP division and have "modified" my mag brake by using a pair of needle nose pliars to gently bend the steel.
It's important to emphasize "gently", only need a slight bend to achieve free fall. Bend too much and the high temper of the spring may cause it to snap. But it's really not difficult at all.
If you ever shoot any combat matches, you will want that mag to drop right away! IDPA is generally more forgiving, requiring you to retain mags if it's a tactical reload etc.

Tom C.

New member
I have done the mag brake trick, and also added Bomar sights. Are Bomar sights legal? I haven't tried IDPA, but have shot IPSC for 12 yrs and SASS for 3 yrs.


New member
Yup, you can add adjustable sights in IDPA, just can't have red dots or holo sights etc. As long as it's something the average person would use in CCW, it's ok 99% of the time. No comps or weights etc.


New member
mag brake

The mag retainer spring is a flat spring that runs up the back of the grip frame and secures at each end. All you need to do is remove the mag and use a flat bladed screwdriver to reach up inside the grip frame and flatten the spring a bit. It doesn't need to be completely flat. Just do it trial-and-error. Flatten it a bit, and try it with a mag. Repeat if necessary.


New member
I am no expert, hope to shoot my first IDPA match this month, BUT -- the rules seem to indicate that you have to do reloads "with retention" -- i.e., you have to keep control over the mag, not just drop it in the dirt.

If that is the case, why would you want the mag to fall free? So you can acrobatically try and catch it? Seems like the mag brake would be a good feature for IDPA so you dont lose the mag and have to bend over and pick it up.

Am I missing something here?

Walt Sherrill

New member
A "Reload with retention" is one of three types of reloads done in IDPA.

There's also a tactical reload -- which is very similar -- and a slide-lock reload, which allows the EMPTY mag to drop to the ground.

Check the rule book. Two of the three -- including the slide-lock reload -- are required for the CLASSIFIER match.

The Mag Brake for the CZ-85 Combat is an interchangeable part. Try bending the metal first, and if you break it, then get the replacement part.

Check the CZ Forum for more info. (WWW.CZFORUM.COM)


New member
Thanks very much to everyone. I have a friend at a local gun shop that very familiar w/ CZ's that's going to help me out.


New member
The real funny thing...

... is that my CZ-75BD "POLICE" (loaded chamber indicator being the only difference) drops mags free.

It was bought brand new at the CZ factory shop in Prague, too, and absolutely no modifications done to it...

No modification, I guess the mag brake is "broken", and I don't mind it a bit, too :cool:

So, who is to say that yours wasn't that way out of the box, too? :p