Cz 75 Sp-01


New member
I received my SP-01 in the mail today, much to my surprise! :D I REALLY like the look and feel of this pistol! Opening the box, the gun was in a plastic bag and very oily; gave it a quick strip/wipe down, and a light greasing. It's a little smaller than I though it would be, but it has some nice heft to it. I am liking the grips, they are rubber, not plastic. I'm not sure when I'm going to get a chance to shoot it (maybe saturday :D ), but I can't wait! here are some pics... check out the tritium sights! :cool:





New member
Please let me know what you think of that gun asap. Looking to buy my first pistol and cant decide between the P-01 or the 85 Combat. Quick question, do they(CZ) consider the 3.9" barrel in the P-01 "full sized" or is there a larger version. I thought I saw a website listing a P-01 with a 4.5" barrel, but CZ's site makes no mention of this. Thanks, and nice gun man.


New member
There is a larger version now called the SP-01, it has the full sized frame and slide, and 4.5" barrel.

The P-01 is essentially the same size as the old Compact.

The 85 combat is going to be a 75 with ambi controls, IIRC, not much else different.


New member
the 85 combat also has fully adjustable sights and adjustable trigger over the 75. Not sure why but the 75 never interested me as much as the 85 C and 97. Thanks for the response


New member
just called one of the larger gun dealers in my area and got a price for the SP-01, 495+tax and $5 background check. Is this is line? Thanks


New member
I would say that is a very good price. Typically they are around $525-535 if you find a good deal. I got mine from Angus for a bit under $500, but that was the first run to come in.



New member

If they even had them in Minnesota at 500 I would buy one! (If they had them in MN at all I would buy one.)

I plan on getting mine from Angus with his pimpage added.
I think it ends up around $800.00?

gordo b.

New member
That gun pictured has a longer barrel than my P01 BUT what ticks me off is: it has what appears like a PIC rail instead of the closed end "standard" rail that's on my gun:mad:


New member
just ordered the 85 combat today, actually went to get the sp-01 but they told me that it would be $569(after quoting me 495 yesterday), which was the same as the 85, which is what I wanted all along. Either way I got a CZ and I am very excited


New member
You have a great looking gun..When you get to the will absolutely love it..
I have a couple thousand rounds out of one of mine and only few hundred rounds out of the other..with no failures at all..they are very accurate guns too..

Here is a photo of mine


Both are worked over with new sights, hammer and action jobs..Angus Hodbell of Team CZ-USA, did one and his teammate Matt Mink did the other..


One is set up strictly USPSA/IPSC production..and the other is setup as carry and competition..


New member
Very nice. The SP-01 is on my list, unfortunately, they have not been seen much in my area. How much have you guys paid for your's (the regular SP-01, not the Tactical model).


New member
I had a chance to take it out to the range the other day... snowy/sleet conditions, along with no target stands (?!), I had to make it brief. I thankfully brought some coffee cans, and put about 40 rounds into them.

I must say I am throughly impressed. Very consistant pistol, low recoil due to the added weight. (notably less "snappy" than other 9mm's I have shot) I was shooting a bit higher than POI @ 15M... I can't wait to put some rounds on paper @ 25M to see what it can really do. :D It seemed to shoot better with the 124gr(fed) rather than the 115grs(umc), but not a hiccup with either loads.

Me happy. :cool:

** BTW: I paid $718 Canadian for mine. **


New member
Nice pics guys!// I still have a 97B tactical holster for sale. should work fine with the Sp-01:)

As for the SP on the CZ-USA website. The delivery of them has been
sproradic at best. they usually sell out quickly.

Hope fully they will be readlily available in the New Year.

I love my Pre-B models, but the RAMI is just the TOPS in CZs for me nowdays, as I really don't require a full-sized pistol.



New member
The 85 combat has another important difference from the standard 75b or 85b. It does not contain the same firing pin safety. It has an older style that relies on spring (i think) to prevent it from contacting the primer if dropped. This allows the trigger to be smoother out of the box they the b models.

From discussions on the cz board the SP-01 was originally sold only as a military contracts but was noticed by the shooting team who asked to have some. The shooter said that CZ was waiting until after a it was determined to be IPSC/USPSC complient before importing them as a regular item. I dont have a clue where importation currently stands but it was voted to be ok for the World Shoot. Hopefully we will see more coming in soon.

You may not have noticed that the pictures at the top of the page have 3 cuts in the rail and the ones below have only 2. The original pictures on the Czeck websight showed only 1. The ones with 2 cuts did not come over with night sights, well at least in the Sa/Da version.


New member
Dang it, you guys! :eek: Do you have to make us all drool all over the keyboard with your pics?? :D

EERW, since you have two, I'm sure you wouldn't mind sending one to me free of charge. :D I mean, who needs two of the same gun, right? :D