CZ 75 SP 01 Safety/Decocker swap


New member
No, you have to choose which model you want when you buy and stick with it.

If you already own it, then that is what you get.

The omega trigger is different but even the 75 omega model can not swap the safety.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Some years back I asked Mike Eagleshield, then the head gunsmith at CZ-USA, whether it could be done.

He said probably, but it would take some serious gunsmithing and a good bit of money, as the decocker models are made subtly differently than the safety-equipped models. Parts alone would be expensive. (Little things like the detent on the safety, which is inside the frame, isn't needed on the decockers, and something would have to be fabricated. The decocker models have a hammer-hook removed to make room for the decocker mechanism, and that might mean you'd want a new (maybe after-market) hammer. I'm sure there are some other minor differences.

If you want a safety model, your best course of action is to trade with someone who wants what you have, or sell it outright and buy what you want.

Tucker 1371

New member
Got it, thanks for the info y'all. There is a decocker SP01 Phantom model used for sale at my LGS for $489 and I was tempted to buy it but I don't like DA/SA guns.


New member
The safety model is DA/SA too, just with the option to cook and lock.

If it's a range toy, you don't have to use DA mode.